Young man discussing modern art with young woman during exhibition in gallery

15 October 2024, London: – Artscapy, a leading innovator in the art technology space, announces the launch of a new art-secured lending solution. A unique offering that leverages a proprietary data-driven ratings methodology will create new liquidity opportunities for art collectors and investors. This marks a significant shift in the way art is perceived and utilised as an asset class, providing collectors unprecedented access to capital through their collections.

“There is a new world emerging where art and finance converge,” says Emilia De Stasio, CFA, COO and co-founder of Artscapy, and former ECB and Moody’s Investors Service. “Art financing has transformed the way collectors engage with their collections. What was once considered an illiquid asset, locking up significant capital, can now be leveraged to unlock liquidity or acquire new works more efficiently. This shift adds another positive dimension to art’s appeal as a passion investment.”

Historically, the art world has been viewed as an exclusive space, accessible only to ultra-wealthy collectors. However, recent advancements in technology are rapidly democratising both art and finance. Artscapy’s innovative approach helps leverage art collections to unlock liquidity, making art-backed financing accessible to a broader range of collectors. Blue-chip art is increasingly seen as a prominent wealth diversification vehicle, and with the growth of the data available and the innovation of analytical methodologies, new investors are now more prone to enter the game.

Major banks and institutional lenders traditionally lack both the expertise and the appetite to engage in art financing, especially in the current interest rate environment. The ones that do engage with this market tend to focus on high-value assets such as multimillion Picasso or Monet works, leaving a large segment of the market underserved. This creates an opportunity for specialised players like Artscapy, who understand the art market and the power of data to make a massive impact. Indeed, Artscapy provides art-secured financing backed by a wide range of blue-chip artworks typically held by today’s collectors, extending from unique works by leading artists to multiples, such as prints, by contemporary names including Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol, and Banksy.

Key Innovations in Artscapy’s Art Financing Solutions:

  • Higher Loan-to-Value Ratios: Artscapy offers up to 75% Loan-to-Value (LTV) on art-secured loans, compared to the typical 50% or below offered by large institutional lenders. This generates liquidity for a wider range of collectors at more attractive terms than generally accessible today. 
  • Data-Driven Term Sheets: Utilising a structured data and ratings methodology, Artscapy provides fairer and more competitive terms, reflecting true market conditions. This innovation addresses a long-standing gap in the art financing space.
  • Focus on the Mid-Market: Artscapy targets the underserved mid-market segment, including individual collectors and family offices, which represent 90% of art-lending demand. The company’s solutions invite more collectors into the asset class, reshaping art’s role in financial portfolios.

“Contemporary art is gaining in popularity among younger, globally interconnected and tech-savvy collectors and investors” adds De Stasio “and that means that the art market also needs to catch up in terms of the benefits and flexibility that it can offer. By applying technology and an analytical framework to unstructured art market data, we are making this asset class more accessible and inviting for a wider audience.”

Art-Secured Lending: A Growing Market

The global art-secured lending market, currently valued at $30 billion, is expected to grow by 10% annually over the next few years. As collectors increasingly view their art as capital, the demand for art-secured loans continues to rise. Artscapy’s innovative approach, driven by its Art Rating System, offers collectors new ways to manage their art portfolios and unlock capital from their collections.

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