If you’re a frequent traveler, you may have experienced not having access to online services, websites, or apps that are blocked or restricted in your current location. In such a case, you have two options: wait until you get home or use a virtual private network (VPN) to change your digital location. A VPN does this by masking your actual IP address and changing it to the address of a remote server you want to connect to. While this may seem like an unnecessary measure to take, it’s not as uncommon as one might think. Over 30% of internet users across the globe use a VPN, with the top motivations being accessing entertainment or restricted sites and secure browsing.

Using a VPN also encrypts your internet traffic, effectively masking them from third parties and enhancing your overall cybersecurity. Whether you’re trying to look for better deals for goods and services or connecting to a Finnish IP, using a VPN allows you to keep your online activities private and secure.

Why Should You Change Your Virtual Location?

There are several reasons why one would want to change their virtual location or IP address, but the most common are safety, privacy, and convenience. The choice of whether or not your online activity should be made public should be yours, especially when you’re traveling. This is one of the reasons why many are realizing the value of VPN in the field of both personal and business cybersecurity. This paints a bright picture for the VPN industry today in the coming years. 

Below are a few more reasons why you should consider using a VPN to change your IP address or virtual location.

To Enhance Online Privacy

Your IP address acts as your “internet ID,” providing third parties information about your location. This information can be used as an identifier and can make it easier for malicious parties to track your online activity, steal your data, and hack your device. Changing your virtual location or IP address is an excellent way to prevent them from doing so. By changing your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic, a VPN makes it much more difficult for third parties—even advertisers—to view your online activity and shopping habits.

To Access Blocked Websites and Services

Your internet experience when traveling will vary depending on your specific location. There are some countries or governments that impose strict censorship regulations to prevent access to certain websites, applications, or online services. Some services or websites that are readily available in other countries may not be to others, and a VPN can help get you out of this dilemma. It can bypass firewalls and other methods of censorship so you can browse the web freely and have access to the online services you need. 

To Get Better Deals

The prices of goods and services vary around the world, even when purchasing them online. A number of online vendors vary their pricing schemes depending on your location and the information saved in the form of internet cookies. Using a VPN. can help you save money and avoid unfair prices by changing your IP address to a local one or one that has the best offers. This feature is a boon to frequent travelers because it allows them to get the best deals on flight tickets and accommodations. When choosing a VPN provider, choose one that offers a cookie pop-up blocker so you won’t have to clear your cookies beforehand.

To Avoid targeted Ads

Brands and ad agencies track your IP address and geographical location to serve ads that are targeted to you based on your location and browsing history. If you’[re getting tired of the same old ads popping up or simply want your internet activities to remain private, using a VPN to change your virtual location can help you do just that. There are also VPN providers that offer a handy ad-blocking feature so you won’t have to worry about ads altogether, targeted or not.

To Securely Access Your Work Network

When working remotely it isn’t advisable to access your corporate network or sensitive work files using a public internet hotspot in a foreign country. Some companies also have their network systems set up so they can only be accessed when in the office or your home country. When traveling and you find the need to get some work done, using a VPN allows you to connect to a VPN server located near your office so you can browse the web or communicate with your colleagues as if you’re at the office—minus the face-to-face interactions, of course.

Location Matters

Being able to change your virtual location is one of the most empowering capabilities that using a VPN offers. It allows you to access restricted content, protects your online privacy, and provides you the best deals and offers across the globe. The promise of a free internet and limitless possibilities is no longer a dream thanks to VPN. If that isn’t reason enough to use one, then maybe you’re looking at the wrong VPN provider.


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