As opposed to previous years, pupils with learning disabilities can reap immense benefits from technology advancements. Assistive technology has come through for those with different conditions, assisting them in adapting faster to their respective classroom setups. The main purpose of these resources is to assist learners in compensating for the inconvenience of their disabilities.

These tools cannot get rid of the problems completely. However, they help scholars to identify and capitalize on their strong points while minimizing weaknesses. For instance, someone who cannot read well, yet they are great listeners, can benefit a lot from audiobooks.


The Need for Assistive Technology in The School Curriculum

Assistive technology serves the purpose of accommodating learners with disabilities and leveling the playing field for all students. Conventional teaching techniques rely on written text in course books, papers, or worksheets. However, a section of learners may struggle to record the ideas since they have poor writing skills. Sometimes, the student may not be able even to hold a pen.

Some students also find it hard to process visual information, hence challenges with reading. But with the aid of technology, students can convert the content to audio then finally digest the data effectively.

Here are the most common forms of assistive technology that make things easier for those with learning problems.


Electronic Worksheets

Learners who are struggling with conditions such as dyslexia can rely on this form of assistive technology to complete their homework. With these worksheets, students can arrange different words, numerals, and solve any equation that they are supposed to work on. What’s more? Some of these documents also come with text-to-speech, a technology that helps learners synthesize read content. 


Optical Character Recognition

With this technology, students can scan any printed material and save it on their PC, tablet, or smartphone. They will then rely on on-screen reading applications to read the information loudly. You can access the effective homework helper as a computer program, an independent unit, or as a portable device.


Phonetic Spelling Technology

The main challenge that most students with disabilities face is to read and write. But by leveraging phonating spelling technology, it is easier to convert whatever a learner is typing into the appropriate word they wish to communicate. Apart from this, scholars with learning disabilities can also access a wide variety of audiobooks. These learning aids could help them deal with any reading and writing problems since the student follows along with the written text.  


FM Listening Systems

This device aids learning by transmitting the voice of the speaker directly to the students’ ears. This way, the listener can stay focused on the lesson without frequent interruptions. The unit comprises of a wireless mouthpiece that the speaker puts on and a receiver with an earpiece that listeners wear.   


Variable Speed Recorders

Students grasp academic content in different ways. One particular group, however, is that which struggles to understand an auditory lecture. This category of students will find it easier if they have a speed recorder. Basically, the learner will only need to press the record button during a class session. Later on, they can slow down or speed up the recording while repeatedly listening to ensure that no concept passes them. What’s more, these devices allow for pitch modification in case the tutor’s voice is not audible.


Talking Calculators

A learner who suffers from dyscalculia can gain a lot from this incredible talking computer. With this device, students can go through their assignments, read digits, and calculate sums. While most may view this as a fundamental resource, students who struggle during math lessons will find this to be really helpful. Apart from the talking calculator, scholars with learning problems can also rely on text to voice gadgets. These apply the same functionality principles of translating typed words to audio files. With this device, a student can easily check for spelling mistakes and improve the way they comprehend.


Videotaped Social Skills

Learners who have autism or those with other similar learning problems may not be able to understand and practice regular social interactions. Traditionally, the best method of learning this useful attribute would be through regular practice. Some pupils, however, unintentionally display inappropriate behavior in the process of trying to understand regular interactions.

Fortunately, videotaped interactions can help them learn crucial life skills and accepted behavior instantly. Apart from developing their interpersonal skills, this technology can aid self-help and solve educational and emotional issues.

All these technological advancements have made learning easier for students with disabilities. Institutions that strive to provide equal learning opportunities for students can benefit a great deal from these forms of assistive technology.


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