HR automation

The professional “feature set” of human resources managers and the total number of their referral tasks are ever-increasing these days. As many companies today widely use the latest technologies and a new staff paradigm, HR specialists should be at the forefront of progress. Yet today, they take advantage of virtual interview software, VR adaptational training for newcomers, and cutting-edge analytics tools.

Very shortly, the technological level of HR processes will be boosted, freeing staff managers from mechanical work and opening up opportunities for more pivotal and substantive tasks. Routine day-to-day monotonous responsibilities need to be automated by diligent AI. Just imagine that tireless digital office assistants will compose letters for job applicants, and well-balanced virtual interview software will provide an eminently suitable selection of the best prospective employees. The future raises grand expectations, so let’ s take a look ahead — at 2025.

Total automation 

The demand for digitalization and automation in personnel management will continue to grow. This is due to the increasing dynamics of the labor market and the increment in career functions. On the other hand, the business is, for the most part, heading towards further automation.

It has to be said that automated systems perform two main functions at a time. The first one simplifies the interaction between an employer and an employee — during hiring, onboarding, adaptation, training, staff evaluation and dismissal. In other words automation will expedite the entire life circle of a corporate staffer — their employee journey map (EJM). 

In another vein, automated systems will speed up the solution of any HR issues. This refers to personnel administration and self-service implementations when it comes to requesting certificates, vacation planning, or sick leave execution.

In terms of staff selection, a wide range of companies will automate the recruiting process. Initial interviews, pre-boarding, and appointments will no longer require the effort of HR specialists. At the same time, talent acquisition and top manager hiring will remain the prerogative of the human resources team.

The next priority touches on training systems (Learning Management Systems, LMS platforms), covering the need for staff development. This bunch of tasks is allied to high labor contribution. Filling out training plans and elaborating on courses—all of that converts into major efforts for the HR department.

Large and far-reaching systems, such as human capital management systems (HCM), can automate all other HR processes within the employee journey map. These systems will provide special modules for onboarding, adaptation, staff evaluation, motivation programmes, and internal communications. Even nowadays, many companies are involved in the step-by-step implementation of these options within an integrated system.

Staff retention technologies 

Latter-day recruitment is a pretty costly, or in plain language, very high-dollar multi-step process. It usually includes the high contribution of HR’ s, multiple subscriptions to career sites, interactions with colleges, etc. As time passes the situation only complicates.

This or that company may use 5 or 6 selection stages during the whole procedure. And if the company deals with assessment center, the aggregate cost of hiring is just about going to infinity because of additional organized activities. That is to say the set of actions taken for one qualified employee hiring turns to be a very cost-intensive routine.

This comes as no surprise that HR’s over the next while will be gradually shifting from hiring to retaining. On top of that business will be focused upon comprehensive assessment of specialists in order to come at HIPO (High Potential). Employees of this kind represent prominent growth and evolution skills. Modern HR solutions will allow, for example, career management based on the current compliance of profile and wished-for profession. Additionally, these technologies will automatically generate individual development plans for staff and compose detailed recommendations on career path.

Furthermore, recent trend technologies give emphasis to artificial intelligence predictive models intended to prevent burning out and make layoff forecasts.

Analytic Integration

The number of specialized HR systems in any given company may reach 20-30 by the early beginning of 2025. As usual, businesses have at their disposal a full-fledged HR system, a separate recruitment system, a special learning management set-up, and a great many different target solutions, dealing, for instance, with communications or benefits administration.  

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the key requirements for the HR Tech market will be the flexibility of process coverage and seamless integration of systems.

The seamless integration between a company’s HR and central systems mentioned above makes human capital management more transparent and provides conditions for all-around staff analytics.

Even today, many companies are testing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and end-to-end analytics. This way, HR departments are included in the process of AI implementation. At the same time, separate HR databanks are being created. The third noticeable trend concerns excessive demand for improvement in human resources management.

To fully implant these technologies, it is necessary to digitize the data and adjust it to a common format. For example, end-to-end employee skills set analytics involves dealing with several systems.

Data integrity will lead to further analytics development and increment ease-off for human resources managers. They will be provided with automatic service for cross-sections in various areas and in different time periods. The data will be loaded into BI (Business Intelligence) so that any manager will receive a dashboard on the required section of information. This can be seen as a short way to more precise staff assessment and more reasoned decision-making on HR process management.

As a final remark, it has to be said that the immediate future business will be centred upon broad and profound automation involving manual work elimination, more precise data processing, and comprehensive analytics to evaluate and predict the main changes in the world of HR.


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