Sustainable Energy Communities

On December 8th, Slenergy orchestrated an engaging Citizen Salon titled “iShare-Home Rayvolution” in Germany, showcasing a revolutionary commitment in alignment with the European Commission’s initiative on energy communities. This dynamic event attracted an eclectic assembly of over 20 distinguished individuals, including esteemed guests from Leipzig’s community, construction industry experts, influential figures, and representatives from Slenergy.

The gathering served as a testament to the burgeoning renewable energy communities (CER), formed by a collective of individuals and legal entities joining forces to produce and share electricity generated from renewable sources such as photovoltaic, wind, hydro, biomass, and storage. These communities aim to reduce carbon sources in the atmosphere, providing environmental, economic, and social benefits to each member and the community at large.

In support of these communities, a substantial allocation of 5.7 billion euros has been earmarked by the European Commission for Italy, designated to finance a total capacity of 5 gigawatts of renewable energy facilities, with a deadline set for 2027. 2.2 of 5.7 billion euros have been allocated through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) to support energy community installations (or expansions) in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 residents, 40% of which is non-refundable aid. Other than Italy and Germany, many EU member states have already or have begun to adopt or draft their equivalence of such policies or initiatives with funding accordingly.

Participation in these energy communities is open to a wide range of entities, including citizens, local governments, associations, apartment complexes, third-sector organizations, cooperatives, religious institutions, and small to medium enterprises. The European Commission’s approval marks a significant milestone, with the final publication of the decree awaited in the Official Gazette.

The Citizen Salon organized by Slenergy stands as a compelling testament to the evolving landscape of renewable energy communities, aligning with the European Union’s drive towards sustainability. It emphasizes Slenergy’s proactive role in spearheading innovative solutions and fostering a collaborative ecosystem, empowering diverse stakeholders to contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere at Slenergy’s Citizen Salon, the event saw the participation of renowned German Aqua Artist Sascha Hoyer (youtube@SaschaHoyerAquaArtist) and Home construction blogger Tim Mat (instagram@buildmyhomebytim). Sascha, widely recognized for his expertise in aquascaping and sustainable living, not only graced the salon with his presence but also captured the essence of the event through a dedicated video on his YouTube channel. In his video, Sascha effusively praised Slenergy for its proactive community engagement initiatives. He applauded the company’s approach in reaching out to local communities and expressed admiration for their concerted effort in promoting sustainable energy solutions. Tim Mat, a renowned German home construction blogger, extensively featured the distinctive attributes of Slenergy’s iShare-Home product and its positive impact on sustainable communities in his video.

During the presence at the event, Sascha and Tim both expressed their intention to embrace sustainable energy practices by installing Slenergy’s iShare Home product in their own residence. This decision is a part of their broader vision to lead by example and propel their community towards embracing the era of clean and renewable energy. Their endorsement added another layer of credibility to Slenergy’s commitment to empowering communities to adopt eco-friendly practices by providing excellent products and services.

Driven by Slenergy’s mission to continually guide communities toward a sustainable future, we witness a growing collective consciousness and steadfast commitment to sustainable development within these communities. The endorsement and commitment from influential figures symbolize more than individual support; they represent a manifestation of a global collaborative effort. This journey goes beyond fostering meaningful discussions; it’s about translating ideals into tangible actions. Through the combined efforts of communities, the seeds of a sustainable future are sown in every locality. Slenergy’s advocacy for thoughtful discourse, inclusivity, commitment and action, as well as environmental stewardship, becomes a catalyst for community transformation, setting an example for global sustainable goals. This is not just a conversation; it’s a collaborative process of creation and responsibility, striving towards a future that is greener, more inclusive, and more prosperous. Slenergy, alongside you, is shaping a sustainable tomorrow at the community level.


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