Trends in Hospitality for 2023

As we move into 2023, the hospitality industry is seeing a range of new trends that are changing the way hotels and resorts operate. The hospitality industry is, of course, always changing, but following the upheavals of the last few years and the adaptations required across all sectors, 2023 is looking likely to be one of significant shifts.

Adapting to consumer needs and trends is what the tourism and hospitality industry is all about. It is vital for hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses to stay on top of what the latest innovations are, and what their clients want. Whether you are on a Mediterranean islands cruise, staying in a luxury all-inclusive resort, or backpacking around the Indian Himalayas, your choices and your requirements will guide how the industry behaves in the coming years.

From new technologies to changes in consumer behavior, new trends are shaping the way that hotels and resorts provide service to guests. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the latest trends in hospitality for 2023.

Sustainable tourism

Sustainability is a huge issue in the world today and the hospitality sector is no exception. One of the biggest trends in hospitality over the last few years has been a push toward more sustainable tourism, and this looks likely to continue into 2023 and beyond. Travelers are increasingly looking for more from their vacations, whether it’s hotels that use green building materials or sustainable energy sources, or destinations that can be reached by rail (or even by boat!). Across the board, the hospitality sector is taking steps to reduce its environmental impact and demonstrate its green credentials to potential clients.

A bespoke service

Another trend for 2023 is the move towards more personalized service. With the rise of technology, hotels and resorts can now use data to personalize the guest experience. From specific welcome messages to customized room service options, hotels and resorts are finding new ways to make guests feel special.


Speaking of technology, it is an increasingly important part of the industry, from booking and planning to the guest experience. Hotels and resorts use technology to create a more seamless experience for their customers, from mobile check-ins to voice-activated room controls. As 2023 progresses we expect to see even more innovation such as augmented and virtual reality to provide guests with more immersive experiences.

Experiential travel

Experience-based travel is another growing trend in the hospitality industry. Consumers are looking for unique and immersive experiences, such as local food and wine tours, cultural events, and outdoor activities, as opposed to traditional tourist attractions. The hospitality industry is reacting to this with a wider, more varied range of services, tours, and guest experiences.

Remote work

The pandemic has changed the way we work, with many people now working remotely. This has also had a huge impact on travel and tourism, as work and leisure are increasingly interchangeable. This has created a new market for hotels and other businesses that offer co-working spaces and other amenities for remote workers and other ‘bleisure’ travelers who are taking advantage of the ability to work anywhere to do just that.

Local focus

With international travel still uncertain in many parts of the world, more consumers are focusing on local travel. Hotels and other businesses that prioritize local experiences and attractions are likely to be in high demand in 2023.

Social responsibility

Finally, social responsibility is becoming an increasingly important trend in the hospitality industry. In a similar way to sustainability, discerning consumers are increasingly looking for an element of social responsibility in their hospitality choices, prioritizing businesses that support  local communities or promote diversity and inclusion.


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