Energy Sources on the Green Earth

By Aleksei Zolotarev

As global efforts to reach net-zero emissions intensify, the potential of fusion energy to revolutionise this effort is becoming a critical discussion point. Aleksei Zolotarev — Founder & CEO of Next Step Fusion — addresses this pressing issue. 

Fusion Energy: A Glimpse into the Future of Clean Power 

Fusion energy, or thermonuclear energy, refers to the fusion of nuclei from light elements like deuterium and tritium (isotopes of hydrogen), which releases an immense amount of energy. This is the same process that powers the Sun and other stars. Unlike nuclear power, which is based on atomic fission, a fusion reaction produces no dangerous radioactive waste and carries no risk of catastrophic accidents like Chernobyl or Fukushima. 

In recent years, the fusion industry has gained significant attention, with increasing investments, technological advancements, and public interest. Many scientists and energy experts have become optimistic about the potential for fusion energy to contribute to the global energy grid in the foreseeable future. Expectations are high that fusion could become a key player in the world’s transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. 

Fusion has long been surrounded by myths, one of the most persistent being that it is always 30 years away. For many years, the commercial use of fusion energy seemed out of reach due to technical challenges. However, recent technological advancements have begun to shift this perspective. For instance, Helion and CFS are leading the charge in advanced fusion technologies, driving innovations that could bring us closer to practical fusion energy solutions. Additionally, the recent launch of the HTS tokamak by the Chinese Energy Singularity showcases significant progress in the field, offering promising developments in compact and efficient fusion devices. These companies are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in fusion energy, moving us closer to a sustainable energy future. 

In 2022, scientists from Lawrence Livermore national laboratory hit a major milestone: for the first time in history, they extracted more energy from a fusion reaction than was used to initiate it. This achievement brings us a step closer to the reality of commercially viable reactors. 

However, it would be overly optimistic to expect fusion to replace all existing energy sources entirely. Rather, it is set to play a vital role as part of a diversified energy mix. Fusion’s capability to consistently produce large amounts of energy, regardless of weather conditions, makes it a particularly valuable complement to renewable sources such as solar and wind.  

Fusion Energy as a Catalyst for Net-Zero Goals 

In the context of global efforts to achieve Net Zero, fusion energy is no longer just an ambitious idea but a tangible tool. For example, Microsoft has signed an agreement with Helion Energy to build a fusion reactor to supply its data centres with clean energy as part of its goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. 

Fusion boasts several advantages that make it a particularly promising solution on the path to Net Zero. Firstly, fusion fuel is abundantly available: deuterium can be extracted from seawater without costly technologies, and tritium can breed in a reactor through neutron interactions with lithium. 

Moreover, fusion reactions produce only helium and neutrons, meaning no radioactive waste, CO2 emissions, or other greenhouse gasses. This makes fusion particularly attractive to countries striving to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Fusion can generate four times more energy per kilogram of fuel than nuclear fission and nearly four million times more than burning oil or coal. This means that fusion can provide more energy at a lower fuel amount. 

Beyond its efficiency and environmental benefits, fusion also provides a controllable and stable power supply. Unlike renewable sources such as wind or solar, which depend on weather conditions, fusion reactors can operate continuously, reliably, and predictably. This stability is key to keeping power systems reliable, especially when it comes to compensating for disruptions in other energy sources. 

Fusion’s potential extends beyond electricity production. While its ability to generate clean, reliable energy is significant, fusion reactors also have other important applications. For instance, they can be used to create medical isotopes, which are essential for diagnostics and treatment in healthcare. Moreover, the neutrons produced in fusion reactions can play a crucial role in testing new materials and advancing scientific research, offering opportunities for breakthroughs in various fields. 

The energy generated from fusion reactions can also be harnessed for industrial heat, which is essential for processes like metal production, oil refining, and the chemical industry. As the private sector’s interest in fusion energy continues to grow, new applications will undoubtedly emerge, allowing this technology to carve out niches in various fields beyond energy production. 

While renewable sources like wind and solar are invaluable in the fight against climate change, they cannot be the sole providers of electricity on the grid. This is because electricity networks require a stable base load of continuous power to maintain reliability. Currently, this base load is largely supplied by carbon-based fuels, which fusion is positioned to replace. Fusion’s ability to consistently produce large amounts of energy, irrespective of weather conditions, makes it an ideal candidate to serve as a stable, carbon-free alternative for the grid’s foundational energy needs.. 

Barriers to Fusion Energy 

Despite its potential, the fusion energy industry faces many obstacles, both during the development phase and in practical implementation. 

Fusion reactors are among the most complex engineering systems ever created. The primary technical challenge is containing plasma at extremely high temperatures — around 150 million degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the powerful magnetic fields required to contain the plasma necessitate special superconducting materials that operate only at temperatures close to absolute zero. Combining such contradictory conditions in a single device presents a serious engineering challenge that requires innovative solutions. 

To create commercial reactors successfully, other significant obstacles must also be overcome: from developing materials that can withstand the extreme conditions inside the reactor to maintaining a stable reaction and producing tritium, a crucial fuel component. 

In addition to engineering challenges, there are also non-technical issues, such as regulatory barriers. So far, clear international standards and regulatory requirements for fusion installations have yet to be established. Companies and research groups often find themselves navigating unclear guidelines, which slows progress. Developing unified international standards is essential to confidently advance fusion technology. 

Public awareness is another challenge. Fusion energy is still perceived by many as something out of science fiction. However, recent developments show that fusion is already on the cusp of practical implementation. Insufficient public awareness and support hinder political decision-making and limit investment in the industry. Without a clear understanding of the significance of these technologies, advancing fusion energy could face additional obstacles. 

Ultimately, fusion represents a significant breakthrough in clean energy, with the potential to complement and support traditional energy systems. However, it’s important to consider that the cost of electricity generated from fusion reactors could be relatively high in the early stages of adoption. Over time, as the technology matures, economies of scale improve, and demand increases, these costs are expected to decrease. 

The process of replacing carbon-based fuels with fusion will be a gradual one, not an overnight transition. Fusion’s role will likely expand progressively, compensating for the rising global energy needs. As technologies continue to develop and public support for clean energy grows, Fusion could become a vital component of a sustainable energy future, capable of meeting humanity’s increasing energy demands while helping to combat climate change. It has the potential to replace fossil fuels by integrating into existing energy infrastructure and addressing growing needs.

About the Author

Aleksei ZolotarevAleksei Zolotarevis a seasoned entrepreneur and founder of Next Step Fusion, a software company pioneering ML-based control systems and digital twins for magnetic fusion devices and future fusion power plants. With over a decade of experience in innovation, corporate strategy, and global investments, Aleksei is a visionary leader in the fusion energy industry. 


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