Japanese MOB - Marriage

Lots of Western men and Americans, in particular, want to get and marry Japanese mail order brides. These women are indeed remarkably attractive, cute, and can make great family partners. Dating Japanese women seeking marriage is a real pleasure. But because of differences in cultures, mindsets, and backgrounds, there are certain things to learn, remember, and integrate into your strategy. The guide on Japanese brides will help you with all the questions you have. Keep reading.

How to find a Japanese bride online step by step

‌Finding a Japanese wife is a process that takes some time, effort, and resources. You have to get ready financially and emotionally, learn the local dating peculiarities, do research, and plan everything accordingly. Still, finding a Japanese bride isn’t overwhelmingly hard and challenging. Thousands of men have already managed to find a Japanese wife and created a happy marriage. And you’re certainly able to do the same, as now there is an option to meet Japanese women online.

Top Japanese Brides Sites


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So, you just need to choose a good dating platform, create an eye-catching profile there, access to the Internet, and your desire to communicate with beautiful ladies. Go on reading to discover more about how to find a Japanese wife.

Do Japanese women like foreign men?

‌Yes, Japanese women looking for a husband are indeed interested in meeting and dating foreign guys. In particular, Americans and Europeans. It seems there’s a special kind of chemistry between them. And even despite the differences, each has something to offer to one another. So, why do Japanese girls like foreigners? Here are some reasons.

They’re aware of gender equality

Japanese women looking for American men want to build a partnership in relations rather than following old role models. The thing is, traditional gender roles still prevail in the local culture. They’re deeply rooted even on a political level. Americans, on the contrary, are free of prejudices and stereotypes, and beautiful Japanese brides need that as a whiff of fresh air. Are you a man who treats girls equally and respectfully? If yes, you’re on the right track.

They’re humorous

Japanese women seeking American men adore Westerners because of their ability to make women laugh. In a word, their sense of humor is much better than Japanese guys have (who are quite reserved and conservative). That’s not unusual to read GSOH (a good sense of humor) in Americans’ profiles on dating websites, and Japanese ladies for marriage go mad over men who can tell a joke and make them burst with laughter.

They’re handsome

Westerners and Easterners are so different not only inside but outside too. For example, the average height of an American man is 175 cm, while Japanese are about 169 cm. Also, Americans have a more masculine look to them (according to the Japan mail order brides’ opinion). Indeed, Americans have thicker eyebrows, wider jaws, and they’re more well-built. By the way, girls know how cute American-Japanese kids look. They’re just adorable.

Do Japanese women make good wives?

‌Statistically, almost 17% of international marriages in the USA are taken between American men and Japanese girls. It means marrying a Japanese woman is going to be a decision that lots of your fellow countrymen make and never regret. Japanese women looking for marriage indeed make great partners. Here are some of the most important facts about Japanese wife culture.

  • They’re are great communicators. Having a Japanese wife means never having to figure out what she’s really trying to convey or hint. No second-guessing. Why? Because girls first focus on understanding what people say. They listen attentively, consider the details, and are always aware of misinterpretation. This is a skill trained for years. It’s a part of their culture. Miscommunication is rare in American-Japanese couples.
  • They’re educated. That’s another reason so many Westerners want to marry a Japanese woman. Girls are among the most educated in the world. The number of female students in Japanese universities was almost 1.3 million during the last few years.
  • They’re beautiful. Okay, let’s not bluff here—every man wants to have a beautiful wife. And that’s what you get in case you marry a Japanese girl. Flawless skin, slim face, curly eyelashes, petite figure are the beauty standards that Japanese women aim to achieve. Do you know what’s on top of that all? Quiet personality. Yeah, can you believe that? Inner beauty is as important for a Japanese girl looking for marriage.

Japanese Bride - MOB

How to marry a Japanese woman?

‌Believe it, your future mail order bride from Japan is worth every effort. Marrying her is going to take some dedication, but if a happy family is your goal, don’t let any challenges stop you from following your dream (let alone, it’s highly improbable you’re going to have any). So, how to get a mail order bride? How to marry a Japanese girl? Here’s the instruction.

  1. Find a reliable dating platform. The best place to look for your Japanese mail order bride is a dating website. Statistically, it has become one of the most popular avenues for singles in the USA. Almost 45 million Americans choose online dating today because of its convenience, accessibility, and efficiency. How to define what site is the best for you? Read the experts’ and online daters’ reviews, think what criteria it should correspond to, and try free services to check it all out.
  2. Create an eye-catching profile. This is the most important tip on how to marry a Japanese woman. If your account doesn’t attract any attention, girls will pass by. So you’d better upload a high-quality new photo and leave more details in the personal information section. Think about your main strengths and present them in the best form.
  3. Get acquainted with many girls. It’s impossible to meet your future Japanese mail order wife on the first day (unless you’re a very lucky guy). Online dating offers a huge variety of options so that you can get the most compatible match. Scroll through the profiles, choose a few that you consider the most appealing, write to the ladies, flirt, communicate, and only after that begin narrowing your list.
  4. Make a choice. Congratulations! It seems like after successfully completing all previous steps, you’ve managed to find that one girl to become your mail order Japanese bride. Now, all that’s left to do is to arrange your meeting in person, and if you feel like it, the logical next step is to propose.

How much does a mail order bride cost in Japan?

‌It requires certain expenditures to get a Japan mail order bride. Here are the expenses you’re going to have.

Japanese mail brides services

Finding a Japanese wife without a dating platform is next to impossible. What does it offer? First, a huge profile database with photos and personal information. Second, search filters that allow navigating thousands of profiles of Japanese brides online according to your preferences. Third, interaction and communication tools like chatting, emailing, phone calls, video streaming, likes, favorite lists. Fourth, customer support is available 24/7. In a word, you have everything for meeting and communicating with Japanese girls looking for marriage on online dating websites. On average, you need $100-300 a month for a good site.

Japanese mail order wives dating

Consider mail order brides from Japanese cities as regular dates you’d meet elsewhere. Online long-distance relationships also need your attention in the form of flowers and presents. On the one hand, this is optional. But, on the other hand, this is highly recommended as it can help to increase your chances of winning a woman’s heart. By the way, many dating sites offer their assistance with gifts delivery for an extra payment. In total, you might be spending another $50-300 a month.

Meeting your Japanese mail order girlfriend in real life

Your meeting in person might be the biggest expense you’re going to have while looking for and dating a Japanese girl for marriage. The price varies as it depends on plane tickets, accommodation, and activities you’re going to do together. It can take about $1000-3000 for a trip to a mail order bride in a big Japanese city.

‌On top of that, you might need to save for visas, documents, and translation services. So, how much does it cost to marry Japanese women? On average, $1500-6000 for the entire period of searching, dating, and meeting.

Some tips to attract a Japanese woman

‌Japanese dating culture is completely different from the Western one. Local women are used to a certain way of courting and expect a particular attitude. So, how to attract Japanese girls? Here are the tips to use.

  1. Approach first. How to get a Japanese girl? Be initiative! Girls will never call or text first. This is where the traditional gender roles show up. While it’s totally fine for a girl to ask a man out in the West, you’ll rarely see that in the East. Your main task is to be relaxed and open, making a lady feel comfortable so that she can open up too.
  2. Look nice. Mail order Japanese brides are very stylish. They devote lots of time to looking good. Locals believe that first impressions are half the battle and try to look their best all the time. This holds extra value when it comes to dates. Nothing extravagant is expected from you. Regular jeans and a t-shirt will do, but make sure your outfit looks modern, nice, and clean.
  3. Don’t be late. Japanese brides for marriage and all locals are obsessed with punctuality. So, brace yourself and be on time. If you’re running late, always let her know about it. And never make up excuses if there are no valid ones. It won’t make any good and just irritate your lady. Being on time is a gesture of respect. It shows good manners. Don’t neglect this cultural peculiarity.
  4. Be a gentleman. One of the reasons why your future mail order Japanese wife may choose you over a local Japanese guy is her belief that Americans are great at courting. She’d certainly expect you to do things a gentleman would do: make compliments, help to get out of a car, be polite and respectful, treat a lady the best possible way.

What to expect when dating a Japanese girl?

‌In fact, you shouldn’t expect anything extravagant from a Japanese girlfriend dating experience. On the contrary, chances are it’s going to be the most pleasurable and enjoyable experience in your life. Still, there are some facts and dating Japanese girl tips you should be aware of.

  • Difference between Yes, No, and silence. If you’re looking for a Japanese wife, you have to know in advance that people from her country tend to be very agreeable. They just don’t want to make others feel awkward or uncomfortable. So always double-check whether her “Yes” or “No” really mean it. Silence is a sign she’s hesitating and trying to find a way to make the right decision.
  • Organization and cleanness. Are you a neat freak? Dating a Japanese girl might have a certain influence on that aspect of your life. Japanese love to have every element of their life tidy and in order. This is about your home, work, family, friendship, and whatnot. So, mind where you leave your socks.
  • Language. Many of Japan girls for marriage are great at speaking English. Being far-sighted, they start learning it in advance, which helps them a lot during a foreign husband’s search. Moreover, the level of education in the country is high, and learning foreign languages is a priority for many students.
  • Inner peace. A typical mail order bride from Japan is very calm and modest. In general, harmony is another national cultural peculiarity. It stems from inner peace. Japanese know how to deal with emotions and feelings, how to convey opinions in the most polite and calm manner, and how to make everyone feel relaxed and comfortable.

‌So, how to date Japanese women to marry them? Follow common sense, remember your differences in culture and upbringing, be respectful and polite, show your serious intentions. Prove you’re a husband-material man, and she’ll be yours!

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