Divorce Lawyer

While divorce is a reality for almost half of the people getting into marriage, it is rarely on the mind when taking vows. For the few that consider it a possibility, pre-nuptials set the tone for what happens in the divorce, so in most cases, the court would only have to adapt the agreement when making divorce orders.

For the majority who do not create pre-nuptials before getting into a marriage, winning a divorce becomes critical.

“It may not necessarily feel like a win, considering a divorce marks the end of a relationship you once cherished. But if you can get an outcome you feel is in your favor, you can call it a win,” says Texas family lawyer Matt Towson.

Avoid Going to Court

Taking your divorce to a Texas family court means you or your partner will lose. The only way to have both of you walking out with what you’d call a win is not to take your divorce to court. You have several options when considering an out-of-court resolution of your marriage. First, you can choose mediation, where both of you are involved in a neutral party to help iron out contentions.

Alternatively, you can go for a collaborative divorce where both of you have separate lawyers who work together to resolve issues and avoid court. Other options include arbitration or using online divorce platforms. The many benefits of an out-of-court resolution include less cost and more control of the outcomes, such as child custody and visitation arrangement\s, child support payments, and property division.

Focus Ahead

A lot goes on in a person’s mind going through a divorce, especially if the other person has pushed them to it through their actions and betrayal. As a result, anger, resentment, sadness, and guilt tend to take precedence over everything else.

Unfortunately, these feelings can affect your decision-making, complicating your divorce process and ultimately reducing your chances of winning. For example, in an attempt to punish your partner, you can take them through hell by keeping the kids from them, stalking them, or coming out as combative in court. Such actions can only complicate your case and pain you as an aggressor in the divorce, which can result in unfavorable outcomes.

The best approach is looking beyond the feelings and present emotions, such as the children’s well-being years after divorce. While the pain could still be real, you will be in a better position to make more sober decisions that will improve your outcomes.

Get a Lawyer

You do not always have to get a lawyer when navigating a divorce, but it is advisable to have one. Even when you have everything planned out, there is always a chance that you could have some losses in your divorce agreement, so you may want to have a family lawyer looking out for your rights and ensuring the other side doesn’t take advantage of you.

In some cases, both of you can work with one lawyer who, in this case, acts as the mediator. If you do not want to invite a lawyer for the whole process, you can involve them in the parts where you need guidance, such as when drafting the divorce agreement.

Final Words

Nothing in a divorce may feel quite like a win. But having the most favorable outcome can count as one and is the goal of every person going through one. By taking the approach discussed in this guide, you can get a favorable outcome in your divorce which would be a win in some sense.


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