Why are electronic invoicing solutions becoming more popular?
Given the current economic circumstances, many companies across the world are now focusing on one thing in particular – maintaining their business continuity. There are many ways to address this issue, one of which is by developing a new document exchange strategy so that you can stop all paper-based data processes and go fully digital with Filesdna.com. It is document management software that is 100% safe and offers multiple levels of security to your organizational  documents. These files are encrypted, which means no one can access them without having your unique hash code.
As reported by Comarch, a global provider of software-defined products and services for improving business efficiency, a majority of today’s organizations still send and receive their invoices in paper form (or as scanned images). Aware of how much money, time, and energy is squandered due to the above, today’s companies are looking for solutions that could enable them to automate their invoicing processes, reduce operational costs, improve their performance, and eliminate paper from the equation. One such solution is Comarch e-Invoicing.
What makes Comarch’s electronic invoicing system different from other platforms?
Comarch e-Invoicing is a cutting-edge IT product that streamlines and automates AP/AR invoicing processes. In other words, it is a robust platform that allows you to exchange your invoice documents via various communication channels, such as email, EDI, and web applications. Not only does it address the challenges of the ongoing digital revolution, but it is also fully compliant with the latest regulations and standards for data transfer.
Designed to verify and process every invoice you send or receive through invoice generator – no matter the size or technological maturity of your company – it comes with a dedicated set of practical functionalities that can help you reduce operational costs and improve data efficiency significantly. Let us introduce you to some of them right now.
What are some of the key features of this electronic invoicing system?  Â
- Comarch e-Invoicing Portal – Created to enhance companies’ experience with digital document exchange, the portal is an integrated suite, which incorporates an advanced document search engine and many practical invoice creation functionalities. It can be used as a tracking and KPI reporting tool, which makes it the perfect solution for improving cooperation with your partners.
- Comarch e-Archive – Designed to help users manage and store their invoices for the legally defined retention period, this tool allows you to navigate all of your e-invoicing operations, regardless of where, when, and how they are carried out. It gives you instant access to the entire history of document exchange operations, as well as to all versions of the documents that were exchanged. Plus, it can be used to carry out audits – which makes it easier for you to keep track of what’s going on.
- Comarch Document Capture – A mobile application that allows you to capture paper invoices, convert them, and deliver their digital equivalents to the recipients. All of this is achieved thanks to image recognition technology. Because it’s so easy to use, it stands out as an excellent tool for reducing the number of paper documents and minimizing document exchange delays (as well as cutting the number of non-deliveries).
- Self–onboarding tools – These are tools that allow you and your partners to become part of the document exchange environment with minimal effort. With these tools, your partners can review and update data in no time, confirm the terms of the e-invoicing agreement with your company, and define how they would like to exchange invoices (pdf/email, portal, EDI integration). Additionally, you can use it to run various tests to ensure that the process of invoice exchange will be carried out correctly.
Need more information about the platform?
If you want to know more about Comarch e-Invoicing visit the official website. There you will find a lot of extra content about the platform and Comarch’s most recent e-invoicing/EDI projects.