White collar worker with son at office

As a business owner or professional, it can be challenging to find the right balance between work and family life. Setting healthy boundaries between your business and personal commitments is key to making time for what matters most. Here are some tips for establishing business boundaries that allow quality time as a parent.

Define Your Priorities

The first step is identifying your top priorities in both your business and personal life. What are your most important goals and responsibilities on both fronts? What activities bring you the greatest joy and fulfilment? Defining these will help guide your decisions about where to set boundaries. As a parent, quality time with your children is likely a top priority.

Set Office Hours

To protect your personal time, set regular office hours that you stick to consistently. Communicate these hours clearly to employees and clients so they know when you are available for meetings and calls. Block off your calendar before and after work for family time. Turn off work email and notifications on your phone outside office hours. Having firm boundaries around your workday helps signal when you are off the clock.

Schedule Family Time

Just as you schedule work time, make sure to proactively schedule quality family time too. Mark off set weekly times for family dinners, activities, outings or dedicating your full attention to your children. Scheduling this time solidifies it as a priority and important commitment, just like a work meeting. Consider having at least a couple evenings or half-days on weekends that are reserved for family only.

Limit Work Travel

If your job requires frequent business travel, limiting this as much as possible can allow you to be home more. Communicate with your boss or clients that you need to minimise time away to focus on family. Cluster meetings together to cut down on trips. Travel to events your family can also attend. Use videoconferencing instead of in-person meetings when plausible. Setting some boundaries here demonstrates your priorities.

Leave Work at Work

When you are with your family, be fully present and try not to think about work. Avoid constantly checking emails and taking business calls. Set guidelines on not doing work in the evenings or on weekends unless it is truly urgent. Learning to detach and focus on your loved ones when you are together will improve your quality time.

Adjust Your Hours If Needed

For parents of young children especially, consider reducing your overall work hours if possible. Communicate with your employer about temporarily going part-time, job sharing, or using a flex schedule to achieve better work-life balance. Your productivity and focus may improve with fewer hours. Some parents also shift to freelance or consulting work to gain more flexibility. Do a trial run to see if cutting back hours helps.

If you are long term fostering, reassessing your work obligations is especially important. The adjustment period for a new placement requires significant time and attention. Consider taking a leave of absence or temporarily reducing your hours quite substantially when a new placement arrives. Ramp work back up gradually after everyone is settled into a routine. Ongoing, you’ll need flexibility for meetings and appointments related to a child in foster care. With proper planning, you can find the right work-life blend.

The key is being intentional about setting boundaries that align with your personal priorities. With some planning and ongoing communication, you can find the business balance that enables you to succeed at work while also being present and engaged as a parent. Don’t be afraid to constantly evaluate and adjust based on evolving family needs.


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