
Making the transition to college includes learning interesting and novel academic standards and adapting to a new social environment. Prospective college students generally leave their high school friends for a broader setting where they will know a few of their classmates. 

This could be an incredible experience for certain individuals. This might be a terrifying prospect for someone else, especially shy people.

As a result, it is critical to understand how to establish friendships at college. Read this article for the most outstanding and most straightforward strategies to make friends in college. Keep scrolling.

  • Be true to yourself

It’s reasonable to want to blend in and develop friendships immediately. However, changing your character or playing to the crowd will exhaust you and simply doesn’t work out in the longer – term. You don’t have to misuse anything to fit in if you’re honest and true to yourself. Establish appropriate boundaries and minimise being affected by friends out there who might hold ideas or practices that you disagree with.

  • Just open your doors


One of the most admirable aspects of college is that so many student housing promotes an ‘open door’ environment like student accommodation in Nottingham or Chicago. To put it another way, customise your dorm room while keeping the door open. 

Decorate your room, obtain a nice point of reference, do something smart and interesting with the door, or anything else that comes to mind to bring more attention to your place. The more open you are, the more possible it is that you will attract friends! There are a variety of ways to attract individuals to your room. Merely playing pleasant music can get people to come up to you and say hello! This also attracts like-minded individuals.

  • Participate in groups and societies

There is a range of great organisations and clubs at every university. This merely provides an opportunity to get to know individuals and engage in meaningful discussions on certain issues. 

Ethnic and traditional clubs, intellectual societies where you can socialise with your classmates, athletics, musical groups, and much more specific interest societies are all available. 

If you attend them, you’ll have a fantastic chance to meet new people. Talk to the individuals around you to see what they’re interested in. Motivate yourself to engage in more dialogue and participation. 

This could sound artificial, but having some rudimentary small-talk questions on hand at all times is a smart idea.

It’s actually better to try rather than sitting in your University of Manchester accommodation.

  • Make an effort to strike up a discussion! 


For most shy people, it is the scariest phase of the approach. Calling up on the class assignments is a simple way to start a conversation that can be used with almost anyone. 

You could remark on how lengthy the previous section was, or inquire about whether your classmate comprehended a paragraph, or even point and laugh at the exorbitant cost of the needed textbook. If your class doesn’t have assignments, though, it’s a safe bet to inquire about what the professor discussed during class, what lesson portion they’re on or the midterms schedule. 

Essentially, the most straightforward approach to begin a dialogue is to inquire about something generic and relevant to the course. This makes the interaction feel more natural.

  • Recognise your limits and push past them

Okay, once you have devised a strategy. In general, you’re excited to attempt new things. But what if you don’t follow through? Like most things, you don’t want them to fall apart. 

Make positive self-talk to yourself. Keep in mind that these emotions are momentary. Consider how glad you’ll be if you’ve found some exceptional folks with whom to form connections and have fun in your student accommodation at Royal Holloway or Boston University. You can’t make meaningful friends from the comfort of your own student housing, and understanding the ultimate objective of social activities can enable you to build the courage to just go. 

This stage isn’t simple, and it takes a lot of effort and determination to do it right, but knowing your limits and purposefully breaching them will make you feel immensely more confident than you realise.


Shy people appreciate a quiet, relaxing setting with little social interaction. They aren’t all hesitant, but they do have a hard time establishing new acquaintances in college. We hope this article helps you in finding great tips for making new friends in college.


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