Distant Learning 1

Years have passed since the world was paralyzed by the pandemic of the coronavirus. All spheres and processes have undergone significant changes, and the education sector has not become an exception. Students and teachers were forced to adapt quickly to a completely new order of online cooperation. And today we have concrete results of fruitful work: distance education has turned into a variant of the norm, radically changing the process and content of obtaining knowledge in general.

Such a rather sharp transition to full online needed to change approaches to work both from the faculty and the students. And, at first glance, online can seem like a paradise for students. In fact, such a form of study has significant drawbacks. In particular, it is about reducing concentration and motivation to study, making less effort to meet certain requirements.

Distance learning can be made as informative and productive as possible if you use a number of lifehacks. At the same time, the digestion of information will remain at the same level as during classroom sessions.

Even if you want to spend the whole day learning at a computer or laptop, you should treat it as if it were a classroom. Some students don’t choose home clothes but dress as if they go to the university, and others leave their rooms for other zones at home to avoid the temptation of listening to lectures lying in bed.

Organizing Your Workplace Is Also Important

You need to have a convenient table, adjusted high-quality lighting, and stickers with reminders. You need to use everything that will help increase productivity! One of the biggest problems of online learning is a decrease in concentration.

Everything is set to distract from a class because physical control by the teacher (the effect of presence) is reduced. It is necessary to admit that even the most conscientious students catch themselves listening to a class one moment and browsing Instagram or Facebook the next. To avoid the loss of concentration, it’s advisable to put your phone in the Do Not Disturb mode.

Even though almost all teachers share their presentations on the screen, you shouldn’t pass up the opportunity to take notes in favor of the screen. It is a well-known fact that the process of analysis promotes memorization and better mastering of information.

Do Not Be Afraid to Use Everything That Helps

During distance learning, the amount of information for students has grown, so it is normal if you do not have time to do homework. So maybe it is time to try an essay writing service. They can help you with virtually anything, and their professionals can help write an essay as fast as a few hours!

Also note the main points of the lecture and the information that is not shown on the slides, but which the teacher will say in addition. Quite often, they share a bit of information or another perspective that may be invaluable.

The next key task is to organize your learning process. Links to various online platforms, chats in messengers with teachers and classmates, and constant questions about schedules and tasks can lead to chaos in the educational process.

It’s recommended that you use electronic calendars to store all information in one place, such as Google Calendar. There, you can add all your classes according to the schedule, and in the details for each class, specify the name of the teacher, their phone number or email, a link to an online class, and add homework.

Do Not Forget About Your Health

It is another critical aspect of every person’s life. Online has changed the usual way of life for many people around the world, eliminating the need to move from one place to another for work and study.


It is worth remembering to compensate for the lack of mobility. Sitting in your room at the computer the whole day is a factor that negatively affects both physical and psychological well-being.

You must remember about the correct posture, letting your eyes rest, and the need to go out for a walk after classes (preferably without a smartphone) to reset the brain.

Therefore, in the conditions of quarantine and distance learning, it is necessary to do several things. Review your attitude toward yourself, increase the level of self-organization, responsibility, and planning of your working time. By rethinking your approaches to life, it will be easier to adapt to the changes and challenges of the present.


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