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Always dreamed of graduating from a top British university with a brilliant business degree? This guide’s got you covered!

It’ll give you the full lowdown on meeting those all-important entry requirements so you can make that dream a reality.

Let’s crack on!

The ABCs (and BTECs) of Requirements

Obviously you can’t just waltz into any old business course.

You need a solid set of qualifications to get your foot in the door. For most undergraduate degrees, that means having top notch scores in 3 A-Levels, with at least one suiting a business pathway. The usual suspects include:

  • Business Studies (nail this one and they’ll know you’re dead serious!)
  • Economics
  • Mathematics
  • Accounting
  • English Lit or Language
  • Psychology
  • Geography
  • Modern Languages like French or Spanish

Some unis specify certain A-Level subjects, but others let you pick from a range of facilitating subjects, which are ones that help develop the skills for thriving at university.

A few unis may also want a pass in a 4th AS-Level subject or a minimum number of UCAS points, say 104-120. Best check the fine print when you’ve got a few choices narrowed down.

If you didn’t take Business Studies A-Level, no need to panic! Many courses don’t require it, so you’re all good with other facilitating subjects.

Moving on to BTECs and other options, Cambridge Technicals are specialist work-related qualifications. They’re accepted at many unis either combined with or instead of A-Levels. Sussing out a business focused Cambridge Technical alongside your A-Levels would highlight your passion for the subject.

What Grades Spell Success?

Entry requirements do differ between unis, but you’ll generally need ace A-Level grades to get on the most competitive business courses. We’re talking AAB or ABB grades as standard, with an A in a key subject like Maths or Economics.

Some unis may accept BBB grades or alternate offers like ABB + nailing an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Scoring A* or A grades proves you’re a boss in those subjects and strengthens your application. But consistency across the board matters too – no slacking!

Hitting or exceeding the grades asked for is crucial for your application to be considered. A little under isn’t a definite no, but the more prestigious the uni, the less flexible they tend to be.

Always scoped out the exact grades needed for any course you’ve got your heart set on. Requirements often vary between different unis and courses.

Skills to Shout About

As well as smashing those A-Levels, showcasing extra abilities can help you rise above the crowd applying for business degrees, including:

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Tackling an EPQ shows you can graft hard and research independently – highly valued by unis. Some make alternative offers like ABB + decent EPQ grade.

Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate

Choosing to add this alongside your A-Levels proves you’ve got broader skills up your sleeve. The solo investigation project is similar to an EPQ too.

Higher education relevant subjects

Some unis want to see stuff like Critical Thinking or Future Learn online business courses on your application to show you’ve already got your head in the business game.

Admissions tests

If you’re gunning for big names like Oxford or Cambridge, admissions tests like the TSA or MAT are standard. Acing these proves you’ve got the brains they’re looking for.

Positions of responsibility

Whether you captained the netball team or were head boy/girl, leadership experience looks brilliant on a business degree application.

The Hows and Whens of Applying

Now for the juicy bit – the step-by-step process of actually getting into one of those prestigious business schools:

1. Scout out your options

Do your homework! Make a list of potential unis and cross check they offer the business course you fancy and you meet (or will meet) their entry requirements. Their rep, course content, graduate prospects, location and more should help finalize your top choices.

2. Register for any admissions tests

If Oxford, Cambridge or other elite unis are on your list, get signed up for admissions tests as early as possible.

3. Apply through UCAS

Submit your online UCAS application by the January deadline, including your personal statement, predicted grades, qualifications and teacher reference.

4. Receive offers

Hopefully you’ll get some sweet uni offers by March! These will be conditional on your final exam grades.

5. Sit exams with confidence

Time to show what you’re made of! Channel your inner business boss and excel in those all important A-Levels and other exams. Results day is in August.

6. Confirm your place

Provided you secured the grades needed for your firm choice, pop some champagne because you’ve got yourself a place!

My Killer Tips for You!

Follow these tips when applying and unis will be fighting over you:

  • Sell yourself in your personal statement: Demonstrate your business brain and passion for your chosen course(s). Use relevant examples and avoid waffling.
  • Get feedback on your application: Ask teachers, careers advisors and clever mates to check over your personal statement and UCAS form. Fresh eyes help spot mistakes.
  • Go to open days: Chat to admissions staff about what they want from applicants. It also shows interest in them specifically.
  • Stand out: Take every chance to show what you’re made of through things like national business contests, charity projects or unique experiences.
  • Get work experience: Even a short placement in a business environment can strengthen your application and teach you about the real working world.
  • Start strong at GCSE/AS Level:Universities see earlier grades too, so aim for B’s minimum at GCSE and keep up standards through Years 12 and 13.
  • Consider uni rankings: Applying to prestigious business schools like LSE, Warwick or UCL looks amazing on your CV… if you make the grade!
  • Apply for scholarships: Lots of unis offer competitive scholarships based on academic performance. Bagsy one of those and you’re laughing!

That covers the key points to prep the perfect application and hopefully grab a spot at your dream uni.

Graft hard, dream big, and soon you’ll be on the fast track to an epic business degree!


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