From Adversity to Advocacy: The Vision Behind Rise Up For You

Nada Lena

Interview with Nada Lena of Rise Up For You

From overcoming personal adversity to empowering others, Nada Lena Nasserdeen, Founder and CEO of Rise Up For You, has turned a passion for soft skills into a global movement. Discover how a journey marked by resilience and leadership led to the creation of a transformative platform dedicated to unlocking potential and driving success 

Can you share the mission behind Rise Up For You and what inspired you to start it? 

The inspiration behind Rise Up For You came from my extensive experience as a college professor and executive, combined with my passion for empowering others. Having coached and mentored close to 150,000 individuals globally, I recognized a significant gap in soft skills training and the tremendous impact it could have on personal and professional success. My background in executive leadership, a college professor, and my journey overcoming personal and professional challenges fueled my desire to create a platform that helps others rise to their full potential. I lost both of my parents and went through a divorce where I lost everything by the time I was 31. 

The content and strategies we provide to individuals and corporations are strategies I have used myself to overcome and rise up. 

Rise Up For You addresses the pressing need for emotional intelligence, effective communication, and confidence in today’s fast-paced world. By providing tailored programs and resources, we help individuals and teams develop these crucial skills, leading to improved performance, stronger leadership, and greater overall success.  

Nada Lena

Your keynote talk at the Los Angeles County Women’s Leadership Conference is titled “The 5C’s to Gaining Clarity and Confidence.” Can you briefly explain what attendees can expect to learn from this talk?  

At the Los Angeles County Women’s Leadership Conference, attendees of my keynote talk titled “The 5C’s to Gaining Clarity and Confidence” can expect to gain valuable insights and practical strategies that will empower them in both their personal and professional lives. The 5C’s framework is designed to help individuals navigate challenges and achieve their goals with greater certainty and self-assurance. 

Attendees will learn: 

  • Clarity: Understanding the importance of having a clear vision and purpose, and how to align your actions with your core values. 
  • Courage: Building the bravery needed to take risks, make bold decisions, and step out of your comfort zone. 
  • Confidence: Developing self-belief through practical techniques that enhance self-awareness and self-esteem. 
  • Commitment: Learning how to stay dedicated to your goals and maintain focus, even in the face of obstacles. 
  • Connection: The significance of building strong relationships and networks that support your journey and amplify your success. 

By the end of this talk, you will leave with actionable steps and a renewed sense of confidence to lead with clarity and impact. 

How does your keynote address the core themes of the Los Angeles County Women’s Leadership Conference, and what impact do you hope it will have on future events focused on women’s leadership? 

My goal is to inspire a ripple effect, where attendees leave the conference transformed, not just motivated!

My keynote address at the Los Angeles County Women’s Leadership Conference, titled “The 5C’s to Gaining Clarity and Confidence,” aligns perfectly with the conference theme of “I’mPossible” by emphasizing the power within each woman to turn the impossible into the possible.  

I hope this keynote will set a transformative tone for future women’s leadership events under the “I’mPossible” theme. By providing practical tools and inspiring stories, I aim to leave attendees feeling empowered to implement what they’ve learned in their personal and professional lives. My goal is to inspire a ripple effect, where attendees leave the conference transformed, not just motivated! I want the audience to use these strategies and stories to fuel growth beyond the one day conference.  

What are some quick tips for professionals, especially women, for overcoming Imposter Syndrome and building lasting confidence in their abilities?  

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and building self confidence is a game-changer for professionals, especially women.  

  • Acknowledge Your Achievements: Keep a victory journal. Document every success, no matter how small, and revisit it when doubt creeps in.  
  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Ask yourself if there’s concrete evidence to support your negative thoughts. Often, they’re baseless fears. Replace them with positive affirmations and focus on your proven track record. 
  • Practice Self-Compassion: You’re a human not a robot! Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same understanding and patience you’d offer a friend.

Remember, overcoming Imposter Syndrome is a journey, not a destination. You’ve got this—now go out there and show the world what you’re made of! 

What strategies do you recommend for those who find it difficult to advocate for themselves in the workplace? 

Advocating for oneself in the workplace can be challenging, but it’s essential for career growth and personal satisfaction. Here are some strategies I recommend: 

  • Understand your strengths, accomplishments, and the unique value you bring to your organization. Keep a record of your achievements to remind yourself of your worth. Practice self-affirmation and positive self-talk. Engage in activities that boost your confidence, such as public speaking courses or professional development workshops. 
  • Before important meetings or conversations, prepare your key points and practice them. This can help you articulate your thoughts clearly and confidently. Build relationships with colleagues who can support and advocate for you. Having allies can provide moral support and amplify your voice. 
  • Learn to communicate your needs and desires assertively without being aggressive. Use “I” statements to express your feelings and needs clearly. Establish and maintain healthy boundaries to ensure that your work-life balance is respected. This shows that you value your time and well-being. 
  • Stay informed about your rights and the company’s policies. Knowledge is power, and understanding the formal processes can help you navigate challenging situations more effectively. Find a mentor who can guide you and provide advice on how to advocate for yourself. Mentors can share their experiences and offer valuable insights. 
  • Take care of your physical and mental health. When you feel good about yourself, it becomes easier to stand up for your needs and desires. Begin by advocating for smaller needs and gradually work your way up to more significant issues. This helps build your confidence over time. 
  • By implementing these strategies, you can become more effective at advocating for yourself and ensuring your contributions are recognized and valued in the workplace. 

Rise Up For You has supported women globally, from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to the USA, UK, and Canada. What unique challenges do women face in different regions, and how does your company address these challenges, especially in leadership roles? 

Rise Up For You recognizes that women face unique challenges in different regions, particularly in leadership roles. Our approach is tailored to address these diverse issues and provide effective support.  

We emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence and influential communication to help women excel in leadership roles.

In the MENA region, cultural norms and societal expectations often place significant constraints on women’s professional advancement. There can be limited opportunities for women to assume leadership roles, and there may be a lack of support for women balancing career and family responsibilities. Rise Up For You addresses these challenges by providing culturally sensitive training programs that empower women to build self-confidence, develop leadership skills, and navigate societal expectations. We also offer mentorship and networking opportunities to create a supportive community of women leaders. 

In the western regions such as the USA, Canada, UK, women often face challenges such as the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in executive positions, and balancing career growth with personal life. Our programs in the USA focus on advocating for equal opportunities, negotiating skills, and building strong personal brands. We emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence and influential communication to help women excel in leadership roles.

Globally, our company addresses these challenges by offering a comprehensive framework that includes:  

  • Tailored Leadership Development Programs: We design programs that consider the cultural and societal context of each region, ensuring relevance and effectiveness. 
  • Skill-Building Workshops: Our workshops focus on essential leadership skills such as emotional intelligence, influential communication, and strategic thinking. 
  • Supportive Community: We foster a global community of women leaders who can share experiences, offer support, and inspire one another. 

How can women harness their inner strength and vision to become influential leaders and create lasting change in their fields?  

To become an influential leader who creates lasting change, you need to tap into your power and take bold, decisive action. Here’s five things we help our community and clients with: 

  • Know your worth and own it. You have unique strengths, values, and experiences that set you apart. Recognize your achievements and let them fuel your confidence. Stand tall and never underestimate the impact you can make. 
  • Become a master of your emotions. Learn to read the room, understand people’s motivations, and connect on a deeper level. This isn’t just about being nice—it’s about leveraging emotional intelligence to build alliances and inspire loyalty. Show empathy, but also know when to stand your ground. 
  • Never stop evolving. Seek out new challenges, learn new skills, and expand your knowledge. Surround yourself with people who push you to be better. Growth isn’t optional; it’s essential. 
  • Surround yourself with a tribe of mentors, allies, and supporters who challenge you and lift you up. Seek out those who have walked the path before you and learn from their wisdom. 
  • Align everything you do with your core purpose. Focus on what truly matters and let your passion drive you to make a difference. You’re not just leading—you’re transforming the world around you. 

Executive Profile

Nada Lena

Nada Lena is the founder and CEO of Rise Up For You, #1 Best Selling Author, 20 under 40, and 2x TEDx Motivational Speaker. Nada has been featured on hundreds of podcasts and radio shows as well as a featured motivational and educational speaker on platforms such as TEDx Talks, The Female Quotient, The California Human Resources Conference, The World In Leadership Diversity Conference, Women of Influence, The Virtual Coach Expo, In addition to numerous HR and Executive conferences. She’s spoken on platforms alongside the greats such as Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Marie Forleo, David Meltzer, and more! Most recently, she can be seen and heard on Canada’s Global TV, Radio Canada, Amazon Prime TV, and Bloomberg as one of the only female co-hosts of The Office Hours, a talk show that interviews celebrities, athletes, and world-renowned entrepreneurs. 

Most recently, Nada has been seen in Times Square on Billboard in Times Square.  


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