Leading Between the Lines | Limitless – INSEAD
March 19, 2025

- Start Date: March 19, 2025
- Duration: 1 hour
- Location: Online webinar
- Read more here: https://www.insead.edu/events/leading-between-lines-limitless
- Contact: https://www.insead.edu/about-insead/get-touch
Contemporary organisations are beginning to recognise the importance of balancing instrumental imperatives – getting stuff done efficiently – with humanistic aspirations – helping people grow and connect across differences. Striking such balance requires leaders who value humanism just as much as instrumentality, freedom as much as efficiency. But that is, unfortunately, not yet the way leaders are raised and trained. So how are we to change that? How can we develop and become leaders who can foster that balance?
INSEAD Professor Jennifer Petriglieri will argue that one way to do so is through a deeper engagement with works of art, and literature in particular. In this webinar, she will provide elicit examples of how such works can help leaders recognise, honour, demonstrate, and foster humanity at work, and in doing so help all members of organisations thrive.
Register here!