Leadership and Delegation

By Viktor Andrukhiv

A report by Harvard Business School found that businesses where managers effectively delegate responsibilities are 33% more profitable than those where leaders control all processes themselves.

Delegation is an opportunity for a leader to free up time for strategic tasks and new projects. The challenge is to delegate effectively without compromising business operations.

Viktor AndrukhivI have been working in partnership for a number of years. My partners are typically responsible for operational processes. This allows me to concentrate on strategic objectives and the advancement of new business concepts. It is also crucial to maintain an awareness of the processes in place. A leader must be informed about the inner workings of their business. 

One of the primary reasons managers are reluctant to transfer responsibilities is the concern that doing so may result in a loss of control over the business. However, this can be addressed through the implementation of robust control and communication systems. 

Key areas to keep on your radar as a manager

Sales, both on the domestic market and for foreign contracts

A company cannot be effective without selling its products. Therefore, a manager should always keep an eye on this aspect.


The quality of production is a key factor in the reputation of your business. Furthermore, the cost of production and the company’s profits are contingent upon the efficiency with which production is optimised. It is therefore important to monitor potential changes in the manufacturing process and the quality of raw materials. 

The team

A recent study by the European Business Association (EBA) revealed that 74% of companies in Ukraine are facing a critical shortage of personnel. Even an increase in salaries in the market does not help to resolve the issue. The reasons are clear: the mobilisation of men, migration abroad, the movement of IDPs within the country, and structural unemployment – when the qualifications of candidates do not meet the needs of companies. 

It is therefore crucial to prevent staff outflows and retain the team. It is also important to maintain control over the efficiency, distribution and implementation of KPIs.

Military threats

The proximity to the war zone, the threat of shelling, and potential blackouts are things that a manager should always think about in today’s Ukrainian environment. And in the event of force majeure, he or she must react quickly and make decisions, for example, on the relocation of the company and the team.

The role of a culture of trust

Delegation is not just about handing over tasks, it is also about taking responsibility for building trust. To achieve this, it is important for a leader to be accessible to the team. It may be worth introducing an ‘open door’ policy, whereby any member of staff can approach the business owner with any question or idea at an agreed time. But it is worth remembering that the company’s microclimate depends on constant interaction between employees and management. The culture has to be maintained by managers and top executives on a daily basis. It is therefore worth making sure that they understand the value and importance of their influence on the daily activities of the team and the atmosphere in the company.  

Maintain a control tool – for example, weekly meetings with management

During these meetings we discuss the issues that have arisen during the week and plan for the next week. We cover everything from production processes to changes in raw material prices and team morale. 

These practices help us to stay focused, to feel what the company is all about, where we need to strengthen and help. During these meetings, it is important to recall the values and objectives of the company, to formulate an action plan for the short and long term, so that the team can see the vector of movement.

Delegation is not just about relieving the leader of some of the workload. It is a powerful tool for unleashing the potential of employees.

Gallup research shows that teams in which leaders actively delegate tasks have 21% higher productivity and greater engagement in work processes. This approach fosters a strong culture of accountability and trust, which ultimately leads to long-term business success.

However, when delegating to a manager, it is important to remain aware of key processes. Learn to maintain a balance between control and trust.


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