This category is Operation, exploring strategies for optimizing business processes, improving efficiency, and ensuring seamless execution. It features expert insights on supply chain management, resource allocation, and innovative approaches to operational excellence.

Accelerating Business Process

Accelerating Business Process Optimisation with Machine Learning

By Geetika Tandon and Andrea Jooyeon Huh While not without a few challenges, “The promise of machine learning is rooted in its ability to identify...
Supply chain

Supply Chain Management – Greater EVA Potential than Any Other Function

Interview with Theodore P. (Ted) Stank, Global Supply Chain Institute at the University of Tennessee  With the onset of the global pandemic, academic institutions have...
supply systems

The Rise and Fall of Supply Systems: From Global to Regional?

By Gilles Paché The war in Ukraine is a major geopolitical crisis whose first economic repercussions, particularly in terms of inflation, were quickly felt in...
Online Payment Fraud

The Most Common Forms of Online Payment Fraud and How Merchants Can Combat Them

By Pavels Smirnovs Online shopping has grown dramatically in popularity and scope over the last decade, with the events of 2020 forcing ever-greater numbers of...

What The War In Ukraine Means For Business

By Paul Bracken The war in Ukraine has far reaching implications for business. Companies will face more complicated political and social issues than the stark,...
global trends

The Imperative of the Vigilant Corporation

By Jacques Bughin After COVID-19, now comes the appalling Ukrainian-Russian war, and the threat of stagflation. But if turbulent times rule –doesn't it pay to...
Gerry Zack

The Cycle of ESG and Compliance

By Gerry Zack, CEO of Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics® (SCCE) & Health Care Compliance Association® (HCCA) Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues have...

What Do You Need to Know About dropshippingXL?

Dropshipping is a very popular and profitable business model for entrepreneurs. You can open a dropshipping store without having to worry about inventory or...
Business amidst COVID-19

How have business priorities changed pre- and post-Covid?

By Francois Lacas, Deputy COO at Yooz The global pandemic has dramatically refocused business priorities for businesses across the UK. In a life before Covid, businesses...
Iain Wright

Are You Prepared to Take the Risk?

Interview with Iain Wright, CFIRM, Outgoing Chair, Institute of Risk Management (IRM) Risk is a fact of life for businesses of all kinds – large...
Featured Image

The Service Revolution, Intelligent Automation and Service Robots

By Jochen Wirtz, Werner H. Kunz and Stefanie Paluch Are there parallels between the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century and the changes now being wrought on twenty-first-century society...

Managing By Traction (MbT) Reinventing Management in the Cyber-Age

By Mario Raich, Tomasz Krzemiński, Claudio Cisullo, Simon L. Dolan and Bonnie A. Richley Abstract “We are at a critical turning point in human history!  We...

Crisis Leadership in Action: A Balancing Act between the Past and the Future

By David De Cremer The year 2020 will remain in our collective memory as a “crisis” year. It is the year where COVID-19 hit the...

Where Does Resilience Come From? It’s Your Progress in Digital Transformation, Especially in Times...

By Howard Yu and Shan Jialu The coronavirus crisis has shown us that ‘future-ready’ companies bounce back first Warren Buffet wrote in his 2001 letter to shareholders...

Agile Anarchy is the Name of the Future

By Guido Stein and Alberto Barrachina To build agile organizations you must understand human relationships   1. Change> Transform Your Approach to Transformation This technical note explores some...

Response to COVID-19 Global Pandemic Highlights the Role of National Cultures

By Bhaskar Pant The novel coronavirus has affected countries around the globe. It is non-discriminatory in terms of who it hits. It is oblivious to...

Mind How You Grow: A Partnership to Improve Your Processes

Interview with Mr Giuseppe Zagami, the president of Mind The Value Fast-growing Italy-based company Mind The Value has made a name for itself with its...

Disruption Strikes, You’re in Charge, Now What: When Companies Tackle Great Challenges

By Luis Ballesteros, Michael Useem, and Tyler Wry   Summary Natural disasters have been growing in their social impact in recent years, but humanitarian assistance has...

Distinguish Crisis from Disaster: 5 Notes for Making Decisions

By Axelle Bagot and Houman Harouni One of the most common forms of leadership failure is treating a crisis like it is a disaster, and...

How Leaders Can Overcome their Biases to Succeed in the Post-Crisis World

By Nikolaus Obwegeser, Noemie Tentillier, and Tomoko Yokoi Research has shown that our ability to deal with a crisis is heavily dependent on our perception...

How to Manage the Reputation of Your Business during the Pandemic

By William S. Harvey Reputation is an invaluable intangible asset that impacts on how your staff, customers and other key stakeholders perceive your organisation. This...

What Makes You an Effective Leader in Crisis Situations?

By David De Cremer For many organizational leaders and entrepreneurs, the coronavirus crisis represents a very challenging environment to lead and motivate their teams. What do...
business article review

Optimising the Supply Chain: The Visible Effect of Elemica’s Digital Supply Network

Interview with Rich Katz, CEO of Elemica Elemica is the industry leader in business to deliver a digital connection between manufacturers and their suppliers, logistics...

Data-driven Decision Making that Uses Data, Mind and Heart

Interview with Heine Krog Iversen, CEO and Founder of TimeXtender TimeXtender’s mission is to help companies to extract the maximum-possible advantage from their data resources...
leadership development coaching

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain Planning: The Future is Here & Now

By Mark Balte According to a recent International Data Corporation (IDC) Digital Economy Model, by 2023 over 50% of all worldwide nominal gross domestic product...
Michal Sztanga

Business Software Solutions from the Can-Do Partner Next Door

Interview with Michał Sztanga, Managing Director of Future Processing   Michał Sztanga, managing director of Polish software developer Future Processing, explains how his company takes “getting...
digital transformation news

Making Failure Work

By Ricardo Viana Vargas, Edivandro Carlos Conforto, and Tahirou Assane Oumarou For all organisations and managers failure is a recurring reality. But despite failure being...

Transpitality: How Autonomous Driving Technology Will Reshape the Industry Landscape

By Steve Lee, Won-Yong Oh, Irene Yi There has been increasing attention to self-driving cars, but business is still missing some key insights into how...

Innovation (not) at the core

By Claudio Cisullo A common mistake in industries faced by severe performance pressure is to turn to well-known innovation tools and strategies. Especially in sectors...

Diesel Polluting German Cities: Give us a Brake!

By Stefan Krause and Boris N. Liedtke The German diesel car industry still claims its innocence on the air pollution accusations that have bombarded...

Enhancing value through customer centric supply chain

An exclusive interview with Allan Dow, President, Logility In today’s fast-changing marketplace, Allan Dow, President of Logility, knows all too well that a customer centric...


Person using laptop with Ai Content Generator. Interaction with the Ai assistant to solve some tasks more easily.

AI Search Revolutionises Brand Discovery – Here’s How to Get Noticed

By Claire Snook In 2025, AI-powered search is poised to become the foundation of how brands connect with their customers. Advances like ChatGPT, SearchGPT, as well as the strategic pivot from traditional search engines toward...
Many small ideas lead to big innovation. Lawbreaker concept

The Lawbreaker: How Deliberate Rule-Breaking Drives Innovation 

By Doug Hall  Transformational ideas require a leap of faith. They require you to break free of your “adultness” to allow your mind to run free and unconstrained. This article presents one of the most...


Andy Palmer

The Better Boards Podcast Series: Selling Bold Ideas in the Boardroom

The podcast and the article are brought to you by The Better Boards Podcast Series. Have you ever wondered how to sell a bold idea in the boardroom? Not just an idea different from what your...

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