Leadership Development

A library’s worth of business and academic literature has been devoted to understanding and defining “leadership.” This section sets forth some common definitions of what leadership is and what it is not and also discusses the qualities, traits, behaviours and competencies that better suit the modern timeline.

The Daily Practice of Leadership Communication During Times of Change

By Terry Pearce In this article Terry Pearce, the author of LEADING OUT LOUD A Guide For Engaging Others In Creating The Future, places authenticity...

50+20 Management Education for the World: PART 2: Understanding the Core of the Vision

By Katrin Muff, Thomas Dyllick, Mark Drewell, John North, Paul Shrivastava & Jonas Haertle This article continues from Part I (in the last issue of...

What is Resilience?

By Adrian Furnham Can resilience be taught? If so, how? And are some organisations more resilient than others? This article considers how the notion of...

The 3 C’s of Growth Leadership: Culture, Capabilities, and Configuration

By George S. Day George S. Day’s new book Innovation Prowess: Leadership Strategies for Accelerating Growth is an essential guide to building a framework for...

Developing Multicultural Competence

By Luciara Nardon, Richard M. Steers & Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde In our globally expanding economy, it is no longer enough for successful managers to have...

Identity In and Around Organisations

By Majken Schultz & Steve Maguire At the heart of any successful organisation lies a powerful conception of identity: the coherent way in which it...

Why Our Decisions Get Derailed and How to Get Back on Track

By Francesca Gino The Ducati motorcycle racing team, Ducati Corse, decided to compete in a motorcycle racing circuit, the MotoGP, for the first time in...

CEOs, Mind Your Own Business! Why and How Corporate CEOs Should Pay More Attention...

By Andrew Campbell, Sven Kunisch & Günter Müller-Stewens The corporate office consists of the CEO and the corporate functions. It is the main vehicle for...

Why Should Managers Be Socially Responsible?

By Antonio Argandoña Why should managers put Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into practice? The so-called legal, ethical, social and business cases provide several reasons. In...

Ethics + Business: Ingredients for Great Leadership

By Claudia Peus and Armin Pircher Verdorfer Imagine you have been asked to support a company with their employee survey. You have done your research,...

Developing Values in Business Education

By Nigel Duncan This article considers how we might best prepare students for ethical business practice. It considers recent developments in evolutionary research and neuroscience...
leadership and culture

Leadership and Culture: Part 2 – Engaging the Enterprise: Creating a Growth Mindset Tribe

Mindset Tribe By Sean Culey Part 1 of this article (published in The European Business Review, May/June 2012) set out the case for Culture; it’s impact...

The Rise of the Functional Manager Changes Afoot in the C-Suite

By Maria Guadalupe, Julie Wulf & Hongyi Li Research shows that the recent transformation in the C-suite, that is, the skyrocketing number of executive team...
global business strategy

Leadership and Culture: Part 1 – The Case for Culture

By Sean Culey Issues of corporate culture have long been of great concern to executives and management theorists alike for a simple reason; culture matters...

Needed: Executives (and Citizens) with a Global Mindset

By Nakiye A. Boyacigiller We are facing challenges of a global nature that require global citizenship, global responsibility, and global solutions. These cannot be achieved...

The Search for Innovation Leadership

By Jeff Gaspersz What do we need to do to build the leaders that are equipped for the new innovation challenges?   In all the years I...

Challenging the “Tailor” How to Effectively Customize Executive Education for the Companies’ Benefit

By Andreas Löhmer When it comes to executive education, companies very often accept second best solutions. Looking at the impact achieved, these investments do not...

Leaders Who Hit The Numbers

By John Sutherland Leadership is seen in the heat of the moment in the world of work, not in theory during an off-site course. Leadership...

What Leaders Do… Requisite Competency for 21st Century Challenges

By Patrick R. Dailey
 From the earliest recorded leadership teachings of Confucius to contemporary theorists and practitioners, leadership has consistently been viewed as the decisive...

The Leader’s Checklist

By Michael Useem The Leader’s Checklist comprises fifteen mission-critical, time-tested leadership principles that vary surprisingly little among companies or countries. Taken together, they constitute a...

Worry: I know there is a crisis waiting for me

By Thomas DeLong Jana Jones was a successful, experienced manager who had run a multi-million dollar business. She projected the image of being able to...

Adapt to Survive – a picture of leadership in 2030

By Georg Vielmetter The business world is changing. Over the next twenty years, various global pressures will have a major impact on European organisations and...

Redesigning Leadership: Design, Technology, Business + Life

By John Maeda and Becky Bermont There is a simple saying in Japanese that epitomizes the nature of striving for excellence, “Ue ni wa ue...

Think Again: How good leaders can avoid bad decisions

By Andrew Campbell and Jo Whitehead Leaders can make good decisions or less good decisions. Several years ago, we set out to understand the causes...

What Do Bosses Do Today? Rethinking this still-essential role for a new world

By Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback Being a great boss has always been hard. The challenge for organizations today is that it’s getting both...

The 7 Keys to Unlocking Organisational Greatness

By Sean Culey Sean Culey, member of the European Leadership Team of the Supply Chain Council and CEO of business improvement consultancy SEVEN Collaborative Solutions,...

Brain Science and the Tasks of the Manager

By Robert Chapman Wood, Gerald A. Cory Jr., and Osvald M. Bjelland Ego and empathy—the two great drivers of business—come from distinct sets of elements...

Why Leaders Fail

By Patrick R. Dailey “All too frequently, an exceptional executive encounters a corporate trap door, falls, and then derails. This article presents 21st century challenges—corporate...

Bury My Heart at Conference Room B

By Stan Slap Emotional commitment means unchecked, unvarnished devotion to the company and its success; any legendary organizational performance is the result of emotionally committed...

Creating Abundant Organizations

Interview with Dave and Wendy Ulrich In “The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations” (McGraw-Hill 2010), Dave and Wendy Ulrich set out...

Leadership and the Structure of Trust

By Paul R. Lawrence and Robert Porter Lynch Trust enables everything to move faster more effortlessly,and with less conflict. In the business world, executives soon...


dramatic - theater working female

The Drama Queen Leader: Theatricality and Inappropriate Behaviour

By Adrian Furnham Friendly, dramatic, and attention-seeking, they are difficult to miss. You may find them entertaining in social settings, but what happens when you have to work with them? In this article, Adrian Furnham...
Colleagues arguing in the workplace

How to Manage Challenging Colleagues

By George Kohlrieser In my years as a hostage negotiator, I learned a profound truth: people do not change because of force—they change because of connection and hope. Hostage negotiators achieve a 95% success rate,...


The Role of Emotion Labor of DE&I Initiatives on Employees

By Akanksha Juneja, Supervised by Dr. Anna Rostomyan   Globalization has increased communication with a diverse mix of individuals. Steering diversity is emotionally challenging for employees and leaders. Hence, management of emotions during workplace plays a key...

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