Leadership Development

A library’s worth of business and academic literature has been devoted to understanding and defining “leadership.” This section sets forth some common definitions of what leadership is and what it is not and also discusses the qualities, traits, behaviours and competencies that better suit the modern timeline.

Leadership with a Smile Managing Our Emotions as a Tool of Enacting Leadership

By Marian Iszatt-White Practicing leaders often have to manage their emotions as part of enacting their leadership role: whilst we all do this as part...

The Importance of Being Expert… Contextually Expert

By Barbara Kellerman The article argues that leadership is not a person – it is a system. It is a system in which three parts...

Take the Window Seat (Return)

By Steven P. MacGregor   As we begin a new year and return to work a fairly typical professional activity may include a look ahead to...

Leo Messi and Larry Ellison have more in common than you think

By Steven P. MacGregor I was watching through a crack in my fingers. And there it was, inevitable really. Number seven. My football team, Glasgow...

We Are All Executives Now

By Steven P. MacGregor Last week I was teaching on a new “Executive Program” for Spanish telecommunications giant Telefónica at their Corporate University north of...

Happy New Year: MacGregor on Executive Health

By Steven P. MacGregor For most of Europe, especially those engaged in academic pursuits, September marks the beginning of a new year. After the traditional...

Evolving Leadership in the Digital Age

By Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries To become more effective and reflective leaders, executives need to learn to improve their behavioural reactions to difficult...

Design Your Life: Leveraging Design Thinking For Better Executive Health

By Steven P. MacGregor Why does management development focus almost solely on the neck up, when the demands placed on managers and executives touch every...

Why Focus-Based Leadership is Important to Huawei’s Business Strategy

By David De Cremer and Jess Zhang Contemporary business develops at a rapid pace, with many uncertainties, internationally connected stakeholders, and little latitude to make...

3 Key Leadership Habits Every Leader Must Have

By Brad Lomenick Leadership is more than hard work; it is habitual work. And the path to becoming a better leader begins with building better...

The Transformation Imperative Collaborative Leadership is Key For Future Success

By John Mattone In this article, John Mattone discusses how progressive leaders in the business world are moving away from a conventional leadership culture and...

Powerful Leadership Wins Employees Hearts + Minds…Gains Customers

This article explores how to use effective leadership strategies to win hearts and minds of employees to improve the bottom line. It draws attention...

Why Focus Matters to Your Leadership: Understanding Huawei’s Business Strategy

By David De Cremer Contemporary business develops at a rapid pace, with many uncertainties, internationally connected stakeholders, and little latitude to make mistakes. In such...

Develop a Robust Female Leadership Pipeline

By Alexia Vernon In this article, Alexia Vernon provides actionable strategies for organisations to develop their next generation female leaders. Grounding her recommendations in research...

An Investor’s Least Favourite Statement – “Oops, Wrong CEO”

By Leslie Pratch It is possible to identify executives who are likely to act with consistently high integrity and who demonstrate sound, timely judgment when...

Brilliant Senior Team Work

By John Sutherland A large number of businesses have a gap between the espoused strategy and what actually happens day by day. So much so...

Leading Huawei: Seven Leadership Lessons of Ren Zhengfei

By David De Cremer and Tian Tao "Every generation produces its own great character, and each exerts impact for hundreds of years." True to this...

Standardisation and Cooperation are the Future

Interview with Jonas Berggren CEO, SSG AB According to Jeffrey Sachs, author of “The Age of Sustainable Development,” achieving sustainable development on our crowded, unequal,...

Senior Team Development for the Unwilling

By John Sutherland Traditional team work over-emphasises the whole team approach far more than is needed for most practical purposes. In this article, John Sutherland...

Coaching: The Key to Your Success

Individuals and teams are turning to professional coaching for support in maximising their personal and professional potential. ICF Credential represents the gold standard in...

Leadership Dispatches: Business Lessons From A President Taking Charge

By Michael Useem, Howard Kunreuther, and Erwann Michel-Kerjan This article discusses the leadership of President Sebastián Piñera following the Chilean earthquake of 2010. The authors...

Your Seventh Sense: Beyond Mindfulness

By William Duggan In this article, Willian Duggan explores the practice of Free Your Mind, a way to turn stress into strategy and to turn...

Unlocking Leaders’ Potential

CareSource, one of the largest public sector managed care companies in the United States partners with ICF (International Coaching Federation) to deliver Leadership Transition...

Leadership Development: One Size Does Not Fit All Growing Leaders in Africa and Across...

By Dr Vanessa Iwowo Despite the diversity of business and social cultures around the world, we continue to teach and take part in a “one...

Actions Speak Louder Than Words – Why Adaptive Non-Verbal Communication is a Key Leadership...

By Dr Connson Locke Non-verbal communication is extremely influential in interpersonal encounters, and knowing how to leverage non-verbal signals effectively can be a key leadership...

Coaching for the Future

Using the example of the Indian company J.K. Organisation, this article shows how the adoption of a coaching culture has transformed the organization, setting...

Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader

By Herminia Ibarra In this excerpt from her book, Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader Herminia Ibarra discusses what she describes as the...
marketing strategy ideas

Closing the Gender Gap

A growing body of research and anecdotal evidence shows a positive correlation between gender-balanced corporate leadership and organisational performance. Despite this, a significant gap...

Through the Ceiling and Over the Cliff? Catch-22 for Women Executives

A new program for women executives combines business acumen with leadership development and career reflection. It’s an approach designed to strengthen the key skills...

Global Female Leaders Networking Breakfast

April is inching closer, bringing the exciting prospect of the Global Female Leaders Summit with it. The European Business Review caught up with some...

Making Capabilities Explicit is The Work of Leadership

By Richard Lynch, Amber Román And Derval Kennedy In “Clarifying Strategy Is Simple. Aligning Your Organisation Is Not.” (The European Business Review, Sept/Oct 2014) the...

Leveraging Your Collective Genius

Interview with Linda Hill Harvard Business School Professor and World Business Forum speaker Linda Hill gives The European Business Review her take on leading innovation. Linda...

How Political Intelligence Sets Successful Leaders Apart

By Gerry Reffo and Valerie Wark Leadership Alert! There are times when the classic development of leaders no longer fully equips them or their organisations...

Build High-Quality Connections

By Jane E. Dutton Jane E. Dutton explains why high-quality connections (HQCs) are critical building blocks for bringing out the best in people and...

Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life

By Stewart D. Friedman This is an excerpt from the introduction of Friedman’s recently published book, in which he teaches readers how to possess leadership...

Wharton: Where Entrepreneurs Learn the Business of Business

Max Baumann’s company Just Chill started with an idea for a beverage that could help people stay cool and calm. “Stress is the number...

Closing the Leadership Gap

By John Sutherland Traditional leadership development programmes operate with a one-size-fits-all mentality. Below, John Sutherland argues that the key to developing the right kind of...

A Fresh Perspective

By Damian Goldvarg Increasing numbers of individuals and organisations are discovering the powerful role that coaching can play in developing themselves. Below, Damian Goldvarg illustrates...

Managing Your Manager

By Bill Smullen Most everyone still working today either has a boss or is a boss. Either way, you should want the boss to be...

Are Leaders Fair? On the Need to Understand Fairness Management in Organisations

By D. De Cremer, G. Houwelingen, C. Ilse, H. Niek, L. Brebels, M. Van Dijke & A. Van Hiel It is human nature to want...

Developing Leaders with Practical Mastery

By John Sutherland You may know about leadership but can you lead? One you learn from a book or a course, the other through repeated...

The Well-Focused Leader

By Daniel Goleman Directing attention where it needs to go is a primal task of leadership. Below, Daniel Goleman considers how leadership hinges on capturing...

Rise and Fall of Leadership

By Guido Stein Few concepts have received such widespread attention over the last two decades as that of leadership. Below, Guido Stein discusses the complicated...

Leading through Engagement: Creating Foundations for the Africa of Tomorrow, Today

By Sean Culey Africa is at a tipping point. It is poised for growth, but the question is whether this growth will be based on...

Mindfulness, Mindlessness, and Work

By Michael Pirson While mindfulness was originally developed as an individual concept, it has been transferred to the organisational level in the context of research...

Who’d be a School Leader? Current and Future Challenges

By Peter Earley Strong school leadership is viewed as especially important for the regeneration of failing schools. Below, Peter Earley draws upon recent research into...

The Quality of Working Life: Managers’ Wellbeing, Motivation and Productivity

By Les Worrall & Cary Cooper The recent economic crisis has created waves of turbulence that have rocked and even sunk many UK organisations....

Changes in Work, Changes in Self? Managing our Work and Non-Work Identities in...

By Lakshmi Ramarajan & Erin M. Reid Diverse workplaces are challenging the boundaries between workers’ personal and professional lives, as workers today navigate employer pressures...

Leading Teams: Tools and Techniques for Successful Team Leadership from the Sports World

By Paolo Guenzi & Dino Ruta Sport can use some managerial know-how, and managers have a lot to learn from the world of sport. Below,...

Collaborative Creativity: Leading High Performance through Theatre

By Quinn Bauriedel & Jeff Klein Like the multitude of teams in any organization, theatre works under tight timeframes, combines many individuals with different talents,...


dramatic - theater working female

The Drama Queen Leader: Theatricality and Inappropriate Behaviour

By Adrian Furnham Friendly, dramatic, and attention-seeking, they are difficult to miss. You may find them entertaining in social settings, but what happens when you have to work with them? In this article, Adrian Furnham...
Colleagues arguing in the workplace

How to Manage Challenging Colleagues

By George Kohlrieser In my years as a hostage negotiator, I learned a profound truth: people do not change because of force—they change because of connection and hope. Hostage negotiators achieve a 95% success rate,...


The Role of Emotion Labor of DE&I Initiatives on Employees

By Akanksha Juneja, Supervised by Dr. Anna Rostomyan   Globalization has increased communication with a diverse mix of individuals. Steering diversity is emotionally challenging for employees and leaders. Hence, management of emotions during workplace plays a key...

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