Skills Every Leader Should Possess and Why They’re Important for Business Success
Soft skills are important for all professionals. However, leaders are required to possess a unique set of skills. From being growth-minded to possessing confidence...
Human-Algorithm Collaboration in Managerial Decision Making
By Tessa Haesevoets, David De Cremer, Kim Dierckx and Alain Van Hiel
Most would accept that there is a role for both humans and AI...
Organisational difficulties in producing thought leadership
By William S. Harvey, Vincent Mitchell, Alessandra Almeida Jones and Eric Knight
Over the past several decades, thought leadership has moved from being individual gurus...
What South Africa can teach leaders about resilience
By John Luiz
The COVID-19 pandemic has overturned the idea of ‘business as usual,’ exposing many vulnerabilities within social, business, and economic systems.
A recent global...
What Children can teach us about Leadership: Seeing both the Trees and The Forest
By David De Cremer and Hannah De Cremer
Leadership and management are two different things. Managing a work force today implies taking up the role...
The Wise Leader
By Michael Chaskalson, Philippa Hardman and Chris Nichols
We humans love a strong leader and we’ve seen plenty of them recently. The strong men of...
The Legacy of Serge Belamant and NET1 Technologies
NET1 Technologies is one of the foremost providers of secure and affordable financial transaction channels among un-banked and under-banked populations. The company’s technology runs...
Early Lessons Learned From Managing In Hybrid Reality
By Kalle Heikkinen, William Kerr, and Panu Routila
Past months have thrown business leaders and their top management teams into a virtual treadmill. Nobody knows...
Leadership in the Virtual Office: Use BetterHelp to Bring Your Business Leadership Skills Online
You know that your team looks up to you and relies on your leadership skills to keep projects moving and to keep the synergy...
Toward a Compassionate Global Society
By M.S. Rao, Ph.D.
The purpose of this research paper is to draw a blueprint to build a compassionate global society. It explains compassion and...
6 Key Skills Every CTO Must Have
What does it take to become an awesome CTO?
If that’s one of your dreams or perhaps you are already a tech leader looking...
Bo Parfet: Why Don Wenner Is A Leader Above the Rest
Don Wenner began his career in real estate in 2006 and quickly established himself as a leader in the industry. Prior to founding DLP...
The Jack Ma Story: Why Thinking Big is More Important than Technical Knowledge
By Rainer Zitelmann
"We don’t want to be number one in China. We want to be number one in the world," said Jack Ma shortly...
Scott Dylan and Personality Traits That Make or Break Workplace Leaders
Fresh Thinking Group’s Scott Dylan explores the character traits of great managers and the character traits of managers who don’t inspire their teams.
It takes...
Charlene Li: Driving Digital Transformation with Resilient Leaders
The growth in the global digital transformation has never been greater. Even before the COVID-19 crisis erupted, many organisations were struggling to keep pace...
Interview to Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco, the author of the book “The Art of...
Dr. Bruno Cignacco, an international business consultant, international speaker and business coach, shared with us his insights into how the COVID-19 might influence organisational...
Seven Essential Qualities In A Great Academic Dean
A great academic dean is like a skillful captain of a ship. They have the competence of sailing through storms, and under their leadership,...
How To Become An Industry Figurehead
Businesses are quickly waking up to the value of a public figurehead. When a person or a company becomes renowned and respected for their...
Cross-border and Cross-cultural: the KEDGE Global Executive MBA Programme has a Worldwide Reach
Interview with Professor Hervé Remaud, Director KEDGE Global Executive MBA KEDGE Business School
Time will tell whether history will record the Zeitgeist of our times...
Get Ready for Disruption: WBS Prepares Executives for a Volatile Future
Interview with Tim Wray Director of Executive Education Warwick Business School
We live in turbulent times, and business leaders need to draw on a range...
All Leaders Need to Become Explorers
By Jacob Morgan
Leaders of the future need to be comfortable charting their own paths and venturing into the unknown. In past decades, leaders had...
Leaders of The Future Will Face These 2 Types of Challenges
By Jacob Morgan
In many ways, leaders a few decades ago lived in a simpler time with simpler tasks. Their employees tended to stay with...
The Top 10 Young Leaders Of Europe Poised To Transform The World
By Paula Hass and Valentina Loiz
The future of Europe depends on the ideas, ambition and determination of young people. The young achievers on this...
Agility and Resilience: The Essential Qualities of Leadership in the Digital Age
By Katharina Lange
Transforming an organisation is never an easy task, especially when competitive pressure becomes merciless. There always seems to be a faster, better, bolder,...
How Leadership Training Can Help You to Counter Everyday Challenges
Leaders and managers are the fulcrum around which a team rotates. Within a corporate setup, leaders are entrusted with various responsibilities. Collaborating with subordinates...
The Coach Route to Transformation: Helping Individuals and Organisations to Arrive at their Full...
Interview with Ms Gina Lodge CEO of The Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC)
Businesses across all industries have discovered that executive coaching is one of...
Leading with Care and Authenticity: Going Back to Basics with Toyama&Co.
Interview with Claudio Toyama, CEO of Toyama&Co.
In today’s time of unprecedented change, leaders who can create positive influence that reaches every level of an...
What are the Essential Business Skills and How to Improve Them?
Starting your career in a business organisation or opening your own business requires much more than hard work, patience, and expertise in your field....
Moving from Authentic and Servant to Transformational – The Secrets to Transformational Leadership
By Mostafa Sayyadi
Leadership styles and models have been challenged by various researchers and leadership has still left executives with rudimental and anecdotal ways to...
The Significance of Storytelling While Sharing Leadership Education
By Rao, Ph.D.
“The difference between real life and a story is that life has significance, while a story must have meaning. The former is...
Soft Leadership for Millennials
By M.S. Rao
The purpose of this article is to explore soft leadership to meet the rising expectations of the millennials globally. It unfolds the...
6 Essential Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
There are thousands, if not millions, of people across the globe with an ambition to run their own successful enterprise. Unfortunately, the majority of...
Making Failure Work
By Ricardo Viana Vargas, Edivandro Carlos Conforto, and Tahirou Assane Oumarou
For all organisations and managers failure is a recurring reality. But despite failure being...
Effective Leadership: 9 Ways to Support Your Team
Behind every great business are a great team of leaders, who endeavor every working day to motivate, encourage, and support their talented employees.
If your...
Sense-making and Sense-giving: The Case of Dual Transformation
By Yazeed Alhezzani
It is well known that everything in life changes and the only constant thing is change per se. So, in order for...
Empowering Your Leadership at the Pulse of Business in New York City
Interview with Professor Paul Ingram, Faculty Director of Advanced Management Programme from Columbia Business School Executive Education
Located in one of the...
21 Success Principles to Unleash the Leader in You and Achieve Greatness...
By M.S. Rao
When it comes to success, whether in life and career, there is no one-size-fits-all formula to achieve your desired greatness. But one...
Smile, Smile and Be A Leader? Differences in male and female leaders’ use of...
By Vanessa Marcié and Sucheta Nadkarni
While humour can serve as a key to improve work culture and leadership effectiveness, there is a good chance that you are...
How Women Leaders Build The Career They Thrive In
By Christie Hunter Arscott and Lauren Noël
Early career women understand that building a career and life they thrive in is no small feat. Instead,...
Leading as a Coach: Advancing Career, Transforming Life
An Exclusive Interview with Magdalena Nowicka Mook, Executive Director and CEO, ICF
A professional coaching program has proven to be a powerful catalyst for helping...
When Work Meets Passion: FIU Center for Leadership on Co-creating a Better Future with...
Having hosted programmes with participants from 16 countries across 4 continents and from more than 200 organisations in the past 10 years, the Center...
21st Century Leaders: Driving Success Amid Intense Disruption
Fujitsu’s Duncan Tait on the imperatives for unlocking value in the digital age
Besides having superior knowledge about optimising digital for their business, what else...
Becoming the Chairman
By Didier Cossin and Michael Watkins
The move from CEO to Chairman is a major role shift. Success requires a set of leadership qualities which...
Designing Results-Oriented Leadership Development Programmes
By Camelia Ilie, Guillermo Cardoza and Schon Beechler
In business, one would typically not make a large investment without an idea of how to gauge...
Releasing the Potential of All
By Mark Anderson
How will you cultivate great leadership to drive superior performance? In this article, the author elaborates on the importance of unleashing the...
Claiming Your Value: A Key Skill for Women in Transition
By Sally Helgesen
“What’s your worth?” might be one of the more difficult questions that women, particularly in the corporate world, need to face. In...
Naturally Selected? Clues about Leadership from the Animal World
By Mark van Vugt
When thinking of a “successful executive”, we often use the description of an “alpha”, most of the time a male one,...
Is Compassionate Leadership a Driver of Huawei’s Business Success?
By David De Cremer and Tian Tao
In this article, the authors trace giant telecom Huawei’s success to its founder’s commitment to compassionate leadership. In...
Dominance and Prestige: Selecting the Leadership Approach that Fits
By Charleen R. Case and Jon K. Maner
Maximising your organisation’s effectiveness requires leaders who tailor their leadership approach based on the organisational culture, their...
The Mindful Leader – Staying Resilient, Collaborating and Thriving in Complexity
By Michael Chaskalson and Megan Reitz
Political and economic instability, climate change, globalisation, disruption, an unprecedented pace of change and overwhelming channels of communication –...
The Drama Queen Leader: Theatricality and Inappropriate Behaviour
By Adrian Furnham
Friendly, dramatic, and attention-seeking, they are difficult to miss. You may find them entertaining in social settings, but what happens when you have to work with them? In this article, Adrian Furnham...
How to Manage Challenging Colleagues
By George Kohlrieser
In my years as a hostage negotiator, I learned a profound truth: people do not change because of force—they change because of connection and hope. Hostage negotiators achieve a 95% success rate,...
The Role of Emotion Labor of DE&I Initiatives on Employees
By Akanksha Juneja, Supervised by Dr. Anna Rostomyan
Globalization has increased communication with a diverse mix of individuals. Steering diversity is emotionally challenging for employees and leaders. Hence, management of emotions during workplace plays a key...