The End of Competitive Advantage
By Rita McGrath
Businesses are competing in increasingly volatile and uncertain global situations. Below, Rita McGrath suggests that stability, not change, is the state that...
From Great to Gone
By Peter Lorange and Jimmi Rembiszewski
New consumers demand a new breed of innovations in the products and services they are using. Below, Peter Lorange...
The 3 C’s of Growth Leadership: Culture, Capabilities, and Configuration
By George S. Day
George S. Day’s new book Innovation Prowess: Leadership Strategies for Accelerating Growth is an essential guide to building a framework for...
Collaborative Innovation as Ultimate Driver of Growth
By Mark Esposito and Terence Tse
Entrepreneurship is the key to economic growth, and right now, Europe’s economy difficulties need solutions. This article discusses the...
Getting a Job In 2025
By Lynda Gratton
Lynda Gratton’s new research identifies the careers and skills likely to be valued in the next decade.
Even with my own three decades...
Mindfulness, Mindlessness, and Work
By Michael Pirson
While mindfulness was originally developed as an individual concept, it has been transferred to the organisational level in the context of research...
Why The Circular Economy Matters
By Terence Tse, Mark Esposito, and Khaled Soufani
A Circular Economy represents not just a paradigm shift that waste is reconstructed to resources through reuse...
Creating Collaborative Advantage
By John Sutherland
Successful collaboration between businesses can have myriad advantages. In this article, John Sutherland talks us through four key aspects for successful collaboration...
Extrapreneurs: A More Sensible Form of Entrepreneurship?
By Maurits van Rooijen
Being an entrepreneur is exciting with greater control over one’s destiny and a more direct link between work and rewards. But...
The Secret Life of Crowdfunding
By Adam J. Bock and Denis Frydrych
Crowdfunding is a much-hyped tool for entrepreneurs to access capital anywhere in the world. While media and public...
The Chief Innovation Officer Should be in Charge of New Territories. Not More. Not...
By Albert Meige
An analysis with Google Trends on “Chief Innovation Officer” shows an increasing interest starting in 2010. The term was actually coined and...
Turning Talent Data into Talent Intelligence
By Nik Kinley & Shlomo Ben-Hur
Talent management is built upon talent intelligence—the understanding that businesses have of the skills, expertise and qualities of their...
Actions Speak Louder Than Words – Why Adaptive Non-Verbal Communication is a Key Leadership...
By Dr Connson Locke
Non-verbal communication is extremely influential in interpersonal encounters, and knowing how to leverage non-verbal signals effectively can be a key leadership...
Innovating Beyond the Familiar
By Patrick Barwise & Seán Meehan
Don’t be overawed by Apple – your company too can innovate beyond the familiar. This isn’t about “blue-sky thinking”,...
GLOOM vs. BLOOM OF THE FUTURE OF WORK: Can We Chart A Positive Roadmap?
By Mario Raich, Simon Dolan, Dave Ulrich, and Claudio Cisullo
As the digital era is continuously in its process to ripen, discussions of destructive unforeseen...
Incorporate Innovation into your Business Model
Interview with Jeff Rosenthal
Innovation is a surefire way to achieve growth and success for your company. Below Jeff Rosenthal, CEO of the UC Berkeley...
Big Data Meets Big Brother: The Privacy Risks of Big Data
By Viktor Mayer-Schönberger & Kenneth Cukier
In Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier...
Dynamism and Discontinuity: Eight Trends in the Business Environment that will Shape Strategy
By Mike Canning & Eamonn Kelly
The need for bold strategies to capitalise on the dynamism of our times has never been greater. Below, Mike...
Learn or Die: Every Business Will Be In The Business of Learning
By Edward D. Hess
The velocity of business change will increase over the next decade driven by technology advances making the speed and quality of...
Developing Multicultural Competence
By Luciara Nardon, Richard M. Steers & Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde
In our globally expanding economy, it is no longer enough for successful managers to have...
The Appearance of Innovation
By Alessandro Di Fiore, Elisa Farri and Andrea Segnalini
Developing innovation capabilities is no longer enough. For organisations, innovation marketing is the next frontier.
Appearances are...
Breaking the Mould! A New Business Model for the 21st Century
By Karl-Heinz Streibich
The pace of change in the digital era is too fast, and survival is the main objective. Software AG CEO Karl-Heinz Streibich...
Mastering Innovation in Family Firms: How to Resolve the Ability vs. Willingness Paradox
By Alfredo De Massis and Federico Frattini
Family firms represent a highly ubiquitous form of business organisation globally and are the backbone of many industrialised...
Sustainable Business Model Innovation to Create Value in a World of Finite Resources
By Christophe Sempels and Jonas Hoffmann
We have jumped into an era of scarce resources. The related impacts will crescendo in the coming decades but...
How High-End Disruption Completes the Disruptive Innovation Model
By Juan Pablo Vazquez Sampere
Why don’t we have an integrated mechanism of entrepreneurship to consistently make new companies successful? Turns out that the Disruption...
Beyond Markets: Entrepreneurship in the Civil Society
By Pablo Munoz
Entrepreneurship, as a societal phenomenon, is not embedded in those abstractions we call markets, but rather in what we do daily, oftentimes...
The Rise Of The Imagination Economy
By Mark Purdy, Athena Peppes and Suning An
The physical constraints of distance and geography shape how we live, work, produce and consume. But advances...
Neuroeconomics. An Emerging Field of Theory and Practice
By James Giordano, Roland Benedikter and Nadia Flores
This article gives a short, introductory overview of basic aspects of the emerging field of neuroeconomics, as...
Sustainable Business Model Innovation to Create Value in a World of Finite Resources
By Christophe Sempels & Jonas Hoffmann
We have jumped into an era of scarce resources. The related impacts will crescendo in the coming decades but...
What Companies Must Do Now That Better Is Also Cheaper
By Paul F. Nunes and Larry Downes
Industry-disrupting products used to enter the market as inferior but more affordable versions of existing offerings, giving incumbents...
Improving Rural Livelihoods through E-Commerce: The GoCoop Experience
By Siva Devireddy, G. Sabarinathan, S. Ramakrishna Velamuri and Janine Coughlin
In India’s rural areas live handloom weavers and artisans who have been doing their...
The Bumpy Road to Business Model Innovation: Overcoming Cognitive and Organisational Barriers
By Nicolai Foss & Tina Saebi
Although proven that innovating a company’s business model can significantly increase performance, a majority of companies fail to do...
Smart Manufacturing
By Seeram Ramakrishna, Chen-Khong Tham and Teo Kie Leong
Manufacturing is vital to a country’s economic growth and ability to innovate. Manufacturing is changing from...
Making 3D printing work for you: Defining Business Models for Additive Manufacturing
By Matthias Holweg, Kai Hoberg, Frits K. Pil, Jakob Heinen
Companies struggle to define the value proposition 3D printing brings: While the opportunities for...
Behavioral Strategy: Thoughts and Feelings in the Decision-making Process, the Unconscious and the Company’s...
By Claudia Nagel
It is evident that the psychology of the decision-making person – to a certain extent the human factor – plays an important...
Have We Lost the Ability to Listen to Bad News?
By Kim E. van Oorschot, Luk N. Van Wassenhove, Kishore Sengupta & Henk Akkermans
Research shows that project managers continuously prioritised good vibes (positive, but...
What Managers Need to Know about Platforms
By Annabelle Gawer
A new and powerful way to compete has taken shape in our business landscape: Platform competition
Whether we are talking about Google,...
A Magna Carta for Inclusivity and Fairness in the Global AI Economy
By Olaf Groth, Mark Nitzberg and Mark Esposito
Machine meritocracy is here. In this article, the authors elaborate on questions of inclusivity, fairness, and governance....
When Spending Hurts
By Nailya Ordabayeva and Pierre Chandon
Thorstein Veblen coined the term conspicuous consumption in 1899 to describe spending with the intention of gaining social status.1...
The Decoupling Effect of Digital Disruptors
By Thales S. Teixeira & Peter Jamieson
A new wave of Internet startups is disrupting established businesses by the process of “decoupling”. In this article,...
Why Robots May Not Be Taking Your Job – at least, not in...
How Organisations Can Embrace Automation
By Leslie Willcocks
In this article Professor Willcocks discusses the reality of robots, what they mean for ‘human’ jobs and how...
The World Business Forum New York
By Henrietta Morris “We have to unlearn what we think we know about leadership.” – Linda Hill This was the message, in this instance boldly stated
Talenting: Framework and Metaphors for a New Processual Approach to Talent Management
By Simon L. Dolan & Paulo Hayashi Jr.
Although the necessity for attracting, retaining, and motivating talent is an old challenge for all competitive organisations,...
Design, When Everybody Designs
Social innovation and design for a new economy
By Ezio Manzini
In a fast and profoundly changing world everybody designs. The result of this diffuse designing...
Market Makers… Innovate your market, then innovate your business.
By Peter Fisk
Peter Fisk explores how the next generation of businesses innovate from the future back, and outside in. They start by finding the...
How the dot-CO domain opened the door to a new era of Internet innovation
By Kieren McCarthy
Taking on an industry titan is never easy. So it was with a small upstart domain extension hoping to challenge the dominance...
‘Big Data’ vs. Quality Information: The Peculiarities of Information Markets
By Miklos Sarvary
Big data versus quality information
‘Big Data’ is the new buzzword of today’s business world. Management consultants, corporate strategists and IT executives...
The Burning Platform of Retail Banking
By Magne Angelshaug and Tina Saebi
Without argue, digitalisation has changed many aspects of our everyday lives. With these changes come different challenges and one of...
Leading towards Change of Ethics and Caring: Resisting Temptation and Reaping the Benefits
By Riane Eisler, Simon L. Dolan & Mario Raich
Businesses stand at a crossroads, and our current systems are not sustainable given the present economic...
AI Search Revolutionises Brand Discovery – Here’s How to Get Noticed
By Claire Snook
In 2025, AI-powered search is poised to become the foundation of how brands connect with their customers. Advances like ChatGPT, SearchGPT, as well as the strategic pivot from traditional search engines toward...
The Lawbreaker: How Deliberate Rule-Breaking Drives Innovation
By Doug Hall
Transformational ideas require a leap of faith. They require you to break free of your “adultness” to allow your mind to run free and unconstrained. This article presents one of the most...
The Better Boards Podcast Series: Selling Bold Ideas in the Boardroom
The podcast and the article are brought to you by The Better Boards Podcast Series.
Have you ever wondered how to sell a bold idea in the boardroom? Not just an idea different from what your...