Virtual Event
How to Lead if You Inherit a Bad Situation
By Michael Watkins
As businesses navigate market disruptions, technological innovations and an increasingly turbulent world, leaders will frequently find themselves taking control of a team...
Unconventional Alternative Media TreAs the U.S. Elections Unfold
New Report Exposes the Impact of Alternative Media Across the Western Worldnds Voices in Europe and the US
With Americans heading to the polls today,...
Adapting to the Digital Age: Teaching Blockchain and Cloud Computing
By Lokesh Vij
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the fields of blockchain and cloud computing are transforming industries, from finance to healthcare, and creating...
Innovative Learning Paths Revolutionizing Executive Education: Insights from Survey “Navigating Executive Education Preferences and...
Presented by the editors of The European Business Review
This article marks the fourth installment in our series of five articles to be published in...
The Consistency Trap: How to Make Better Decisions
By Dr. Tim Mullett, Reader, Behavioural Science at Warwick Business School
Repetitive strain: Consistency bias can blind decision-makers to key factors when making similar choices.
Practice makes...
How Organisations Can Create Meaningful Innovation and Lasting Social Change
By Irene Bengo
In the last decades, we have witnessed a profound change in the way of doing business because companies have been increasingly asked...
How Sustainability Reporting Levels the Playing Field
By Ries Breijer and Michael Erkens
Despite facing criticism, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents a significant step in holding companies accountable for their...
The Seven Key Competencies for Collaborative Leadership
By Dr. Dimitrios Spyridonidis, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Warwick Business School
New ideas: collaborative leaders give their teams the freedom and tools to...
Hospitality Industry Need to Utilize Data to Become More Sustainable
By Dr. Carlos Martin-Rios
The hospitality industry is responsible for 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and according to the Global Hotel Decarbonization Report published...
The Executive Education Conundrum: Insights from Survey “Navigating Executive Education Preferences and Needs in...
This article marks the third installment in a series of five articles to be published in our survey report for our recent survey, “Navigating Executive...
3 Things Educators and Edtech Suppliers Need to Talk About
By Sandra DeCastro
The advancements in technology are reshaping how we teach and learn, bringing new opportunities and challenges. To address such challenges, a concerted...
The Leading Edge of Edtech: Shaping Learning with AI
Interview with Beatriz Arnillas, VP of Product Management at 1EdTech
Beatriz Arnillas, VP of Product Management at 1EdTech, a nonprofit consortium for educational institutions and edtech suppliers, discusses her journey from...
Attention to the Third Success Factor is Always Necessary
By Prof. dr. ir. Anke van Hal
In the energy transition, there is always attention to affordability and technology. However, attention to an important third...
How to Build a Resilient Organisation
Attributed to Loizos Heracleous, Professor of Strategy at Warwick Business School
As macro factors such as economic trends, public health, war, technology development and...
Navigating Executive Education Preferences and Needs in Contemporary Leadership Part 2: Strategic Emphases for...
Presented by the editors of The European Business Review
Following our exploration of geographical preferences in executive education, we now delve into the strategic emphases...
“Navigating Executive Education Preferences and Needs in Contemporary Leadership” (Part I): Revealing the Executive...
By The Editors of The European Business Review
Welcome to the first installment of insights based on the results of our recent survey, "Navigating Executive...
Methods to Navigate Complexity: SWOT Analysis
By Emil Bjerg, journalist and editor of The European Business Review
Forbes calls SWOT analysis the “Most Overlooked Business Tool”. Here, we guide you on...
Future Forecasting Tools: The Delphi Method
By Emil Bjerg, journalist and editor
Developed during the Cold War for military applications, the Delphi Method is a popular forecasting tool across various sectors,...
Tech Events Dominating Europe: A Guide to Top Tech Summits for Business Leaders
From Generative AI to cloud security and everything in between, the range of tech events taking place each year can be overwhelming.
There are a...
What Did 2023 Teach Us About Leadership? An Answer in the Form of Three...
By Martin Gutmann
After his takeover of Twitter in October of 2022, Elon Musk admonished his staff to be “extremely hardcore.” Many heeded the call,...
Future Forecasting Tools and Megatrends: Scenario Planning
By Emil Bjerg, journalist and editor
In the article series on how to strategize in an unpredictable future, we’ve reached scenario planning. This article explores...
Introducing New Article Series: Future Forecasting Tools and Megatrends
By Emil Bjerg, journalist and editor of The European Business Review
AI hype, war and geopolitical chaos, climate change, and fragile supply chains. An overall...
Navigating the Business Horizon: 10 Essential Insights from The European Business Review
By Pamela Martinez
“In this moment, we must all be learners – figuring out not how to simply make the best of it, but how to...
The Evolving Face of Executive Education Learning: Global Trends and Topics
By Pamela Martinez
At a time when the business world is challenged by radical advances in technology, volatility, and disruption, it’s encouraging to see how...
Culture Is Still ‘‘a Thing’’: On Why It’s So, but Shouldn’t Be
By Ernst Graamans
The time has come to see culture in business settings in a new light – not as a ‘‘collective programming of the...
A Beauty Premium and a Plainness Penalty: Attractiveness at Work
By Adrian Furnham
Are physically attractive people seriously advantaged at work?
Are they more likely to be selected, promoted, and given higher salaries? Does being physically...
COVID as an Economic Opportunity: Lessons From the Subprime Crisis on Resilient Businesses
By Jorge Sá
Most businesses were taken completely off-guard when the COVID crisis hit. The absence of historical data on such an event meant that...
Disrupting Higher Education – ChatGPT and Generative AI
By Nancy W. Gleason
The way we assess learning and credential talent is disrupted by ChatGPT. It is forcing higher education to strip down and...
Beyond Good Intentions – Bringing Strategy To Giving, Impact Investing, and Corporate Responsibility
By Olga Almqvist
Value-driven leaders and people with means have an array of options for giving back to society. But whether through philanthropy, impact-driven investments,...
Designing For Impact: A Results-driven Perspective For Executive Education
By Christoph Burger, Edward W. Boon and Nora Grasselli
A typical story
Jane is a manager at a large telecom company. Three months ago, she was...
Why Marketing Leadership Needs to be Agile and Customer-focused
By Mairead Brady
Why do we use Zoom and not Slack or Skype? Post photos with Instagram and not Kodak? And why do we watch Netflix...
Championing Triple Ownership Programs (TOPs) in Executive Education: How Participant and Sponsor Ownership Leads...
By Christoph Burger, Bianca Schmitz and Bethan Williams
What do you associate with the word “campus”?
For most of us, besides the happy student memories, there...
How B2B Marketers Can Stay Customer-Centric
By Mairead Brady, Warwick Business School (WBS)
WBS Core Insights: Future of Work
To adjust to the new post-pandemic normal it is vital that businesses move...
How Can Leaders Stay in the Know?
By Dr. Maja Korica, Warwick Business School (WBS)
As a senior leader, do you know what’s really going on in your organisation? Are you on...
From Products to Solutions – Mastering Sales Force Incentives
By Johannes Habel and Olaf Ploetner
As B2B companies strive to become providers of solutions rather than products, sales managers face significant challenges. Among them:...
Knowledge Architects Wanted
By Tammi L. Coles
Organisations that embrace cross-domain knowledge can attain sustainable agility. In this article, the author highlights the significant yet often overlooked difference...
The EU Now Regulates Internet Services. But What Does that Mean, Exactly?
By Martin Schallbruch
Internet access has become crucial to the functioning of our most important systems. The Directive on security of network and information systems...
After After-Sales: New Business Models Tempt, Fail Industry
By Olaf Plötner
The after-sales-based business models of industrial enterprises are endangered. Simultaneously, modern data-based technologies enable the development of complex service solutions – so...
We Need a Greater Focus on the Benefits Women in Top Executive Roles Bring...
By Sucheta Nadkarni
Recruiting women to corporate boards and top executive roles helps businesses find the best people and reach key consumers. There’s a risk...
Managing Customer Satisfaction Better
By Johannes Habel
Many companies draw the wrong conclusions from their customer surveys. There is a simple method that can provide a remedy, leading to...
Where do you Begin with your (Big) Data Initiative?
By Joe Peppard
While “Big data” has garnered a lot of attention over the last number of years, many managers struggle in deciding where to...
The Missing Puzzle Piece? How Action Learning Can Help Solve the Dual Challenge of...
By Alex Makarevich, Christian Acosta-Flamma and Simon L. Dolan
To win in the “war for talent”, companies can no longer rely on conventional recruitment methods...
5 Myths about Employee Learning
Here are some common misperceptions about corporate education— and how to get beyond them.
Under what circumstances do organizations embrace a learning culture?
Often, it’s when...
How Political Intelligence Sets Successful Leaders Apart
By Gerry Reffo and Valerie Wark
Leadership Alert! There are times when the classic development of leaders no longer fully equips them or their organisations...
The Power of Corporate Culture — and How to Harness It
Culture change is hard to do. Just look at Ron Johnson’s attempted transformation of JCPenney in 2012. Or go back a few thousand years...
Embedded Values and Induced Spirituality in Management Education
The Case of Two Successful Business Schools in Barcelona
By S. L. Dolan, Y. Altman, B. Capell and M. Raich
Strategic Planning & Execution in an Uncertain World
Setting business strategy used to be as simple as defining what the organization wanted to achieve and then laying out the steps to get...
New Models and the Changing Contexts of Business School
By Peter Lorange, Jagdish N. Sheth and Howard Thomas
The traditional models of many business schools are being questioned given their serious...
50+20 Management Education for the World: PART 2: Understanding the Core of the Vision
By Katrin Muff, Thomas Dyllick, Mark Drewell, John North, Paul Shrivastava & Jonas Haertle
This article continues from Part I (in the last issue of...
50+20 Management Education for the World: PART 1: Designing a Radically New Vision of...
By Katrin Muff, Thomas Dyllick, Mark Drewell, John North, Paul Shrivastava & Jonas Haertle
Extracts from chapter 5 of the forthcoming book “Management education for...
The Lawbreaker: How Deliberate Rule-Breaking Drives Innovation
By Doug Hall
Transformational ideas require a leap of faith. They require you to break free of your “adultness” to allow your mind to run free and unconstrained. This article presents one of the most...
The Drama Queen Leader: Theatricality and Inappropriate Behaviour
By Adrian Furnham
Friendly, dramatic, and attention-seeking, they are difficult to miss. You may find them entertaining in social settings, but what happens when you have to work with them? In this article, Adrian Furnham...
Artificial Integrity
By Hamilton Mann
Much has been said about how to instill integrity into AI-generated content. So far, the focus has been on policing training data or filtering output, but wouldn't it be better if the...