5 Useful Working Tasks to Solve by Mobile Apps

Nowadays, many business tasks can be operated remotely via a smartphone. This is not about reading emails, calling partners and ordering a taxi. Applications with new business opportunities are released so often that you don’t have time to keep track of new products.

We have put together business tasks that today can be solved by smartphone remotely. Do you want to be the first to know about app development services?


What Tasks Can be Solved by Mobile Applications?

1) Paying taxes and submitting reports

Relations with the tax service is perhaps the most routine business task. Unfortunately, there’s no way to avoid it. You can pay taxes through online banking, and submit reports on the tax website, through public services or online accounting. The application requires a couple of swipes. You can transfer money and send reports wherever you are: at home, on the road, on vacation. You can do everything through a single cloud accounting application or use separate tools.

2) Making banking operations

Payment and billing are another integral part of entrepreneurial activity. Sometimes all this needs to be done urgently as the business does not sleep: the suppliers have to ship the goods on time, and the customers have to pay for service.

Of course, the online apps allow you to do all this in a couple of clicks: you don’t need to visit bank offices.

3) Tracking the working tasks and leading projects

It has already become a requirement of our time, so many companies manage the work processes and tasks of employees using electronic services. Task managers replace paper notebooks for single entrepreneurs; in big companies, whole teams work within project management services.

It’s convenient to monitor tasks, read the comments of employees and adjust their actions from a smartphone, especially when you are on vacation, on the road, at a business meeting or relaxing with your family.

4) Storing the information and ideas

The chief executive is overwhelmed with thoughts about business development 24/7. At any moment, he may come up with a brilliant idea, important information, or a useful link in his browser. Trying to keep everything in mind is a bad idea, something will be forgotten.

Many use paper notebooks and diaries to record and store valuable ideas. However, it is not very convenient to organize and search for information on them. Mobile applications in this regard are much more functional — you can sort notes, links, documents, and photos by folders and tags, and quickly find the right one using the search by keywords. When you need to quickly note something, recording audio files comes in handy.

5) Monitoring employee’s time

Following the working time is not only about “trusting or checking”, but also about calculating salaries and bonuses, evaluating the effectiveness, optimizing processes and other business tasks. Tracking how much time employees spend on individual tasks and work in general is convenient with the help of online apps.

Do you have any fresh ideas for using apps at work? Share with us.



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